Safety & Public Services

    Results: 33

  • Administrative Entities (1)

    Administrative Entities


    Management offices that serve as headquarters for organizations and which provide services that plan, organize and control the activities of the organization but which offer no direct services to the public except peripheral administrative services like training, community awareness programs or materials and research. Included are the administrative offices of local city and county departments, state agencies and federal agencies as well as those that oversee the work of large non-governmental agencies.
  • AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling (29)

    AIDS/HIV Prevention Counseling


    Programs that provide counseling services for individuals at risk for contracting or transmitting the HIV virus with the objective of supporting their ability to make behavior changes that will reduce their risk of acquiring or transmitting HIV. Counseling involves a personal risk assessment, development of a personalized action plan and the decision to seek an HIV test. Individuals who have a history of injection drug use, unprotected intercourse or sexual contact, sexual activity at a young age, multiple sex partners, sexually transmitted infection, and/or sex trade work are considered to be at high or increased risk and are targets for prevention counseling.
  • Area Agencies on Aging (2)

    Area Agencies on Aging


    Substate organizations authorized under the Older Americans Act of 1965 to develop a comprehensive, coordinated system of community-based services for older adults within their planning and service area. State Units on Aging designate, provide federal and state funding, and monitor operations of AAAs. Eight states and the District of Columbia do not have AAAs and, therefore, serve the roles of both state and area agency. AAA's responsibilities include planning; development of local funding resources; and contracting with local service provider organizations to provide authorized services which include information and referral/assistance, outreach, case/care management, escort, transportation, homemaker/chore, personal care, home repair and rehabilitation, home delivered meals, congregate meals, adult day care, elder abuse prevention, nursing home ombudsman, legal assistance, employment and training, health promotion and disease prevention and senior centers as well as services that support caregivers including respite care, counseling and education programs. AAAs may provide a number of other services in situations where local service provider options are limited.
  • Bullying Prevention (3)

    Bullying Prevention


    Programs that attempt to reduce the incidence of bullying, a form of violence among children, on school playgrounds, in neighborhoods and in homes, through a variety of interventions which may include use of an anonymous questionnaire to assess the nature and prevalence of the problem, development and announcement of an intervention program, open discussions of bullying at school and in other venues, increased supervision of children in areas that are "hotspots" for bullying, arrangements for reporting bullying incidents, immediate intervention when bullying incidents occur, development of protective strategies for targets, formation of support groups for victims of bullies, discussions with parents of involved students, and engagement of community members in support of the program. Most bullying prevention programs are school based and target students in elementary, middle and junior high schools. Bullying can be physical, verbal, or psychological; and involves intentional, repeated hurtful acts, words and other behavior such as name-calling, threatening or shunning committed by one or more children against another child.
  • Communicable Disease Control (14)

    Communicable Disease Control


    Programs that protect the public health through comprehensive efforts to track the incidence and distribution of disease in the population and prevent, control and eradicate vaccine-preventable diseases, vector and food-borne illnesses, diseases that are transmitted person-to-person and other diseases that are spread by direct or indirect contact. Activities include routine surveillance of communicable disease activity, assessment of the community immunization level through school records and immunization studies, investigation of epidemic outbreaks, reporting of cases of infectious diseases to the proper authorities and taking appropriate measures such as isolation and contact tracing/notification to prevent disease transmission.
  • Community Groups and Government/Administrative Offices (104)

    Community Groups and Government/Administrative Offices


    Organizations or groups of individuals with common interests or concerns who have joined together on a voluntary basis to provide targeted services for the community; offer information and guidance regarding the planning, implementation and evaluation of needed services; advocate for changes that will have a beneficial effect on the community and its residents; or introduce other ways of improving social, cultural, economic or environmental conditions. Also included are the administrative headquarters of local city and county departments, state agencies and federal agencies as well as those that oversee the work of large non-governmental agencies; departments or offices within public and private agencies that are responsible for internal support functions like budget and finance and facility management; and the offices of elected and appointed officials at various levels of government.
  • Community Planning and Public Works (134)

    Community Planning and Public Works


    Programs that establish and implement an overall plan for the development and upkeep of the built environment in urban and rural areas; and ensure that new construction on public and private property as well as improvements in current structures meet building codes and standards, zoning requirements and the goals and objectives of the master plan. Also included are local offices that are responsible for initiating and overseeing public works projects and ensuring the smooth operation of basic infrastructure services. Activities may include construction, maintenance and repair of roads, bridges, tunnels and other public ways; operation of waterworks, sewage and drainage systems; development and maintenance of channels and other public waterways; construction and operation of public parking facilities; lighting and signposting of public streets; management of waste materials; and other similar projects.
  • Conflict Resolution Training (1)

    Conflict Resolution Training


    Programs that provide training for school children and others which teaches them techniques for resolving disagreements before they escalate to violence.
  • Dating Violence Prevention (3)

    Dating Violence Prevention


    Programs that attempt to reduce the incidence of date rape, verbal and physical abuse, threats of abuse and other forms of violence that occur between dating teens through a variety of educational interventions which may focus on potential victims and perpetrators; agency, school or health care personnel who work with them; or the community as a whole. Activities may include classroom-based education, teacher workshops, parent workshops, peer leadership training, counseling groups for males who abuse or threaten a female peer, and community-based workshops for out-of-school youth. Programs may also be available for older people who are dating.
  • Domestic Violence Intervention Programs (10)

    Domestic Violence Intervention Programs


    Programs that offer classes or groups, sponsor victim panels or provide other interventions which help domestic violence offenders understand and take responsibility for their acts of violence and abuse; realize that their behavior is the result of their desire to gain power and control over their partner's life; and make a decision to stop their abuse by looking at the damaging effects of their actions on their relationships, partners, children and themselves. The group sessions address the tactics of power and control; describe the cycle of abuse; challenge stereotypical gender role expectations; and help abusers identify and articulate their feelings and recognize behavior, emotional and physical cues which signal escalating anger. Participants learn problem solving skills, negotiation and conflict resolution skills, stress management techniques, communication and listening skills and other skills that will help them develop and maintain positive, healthy partnerships; and may be ordered by the court to attend or self-refer. The victim panels provide a venue which enables volunteers who have been subjected to abuse to describe the treatment they have endured and the impact on their lives.
  • Emergency Alert (14)

    Emergency Alert


    Programs that ensure that elderly individuals, people who have medical problems or potential allergic reactions to specific drugs, and other isolated or vulnerable individuals who are at risk of health-related crises receive the medical attention they need during an emergency. Also included are programs that offer a means of identifying or locating individuals who may wander away from those responsible for their care and become lost.
  • First Aid Instruction (10)

    First Aid Instruction


    Programs that instruct the public in the basic lifesaving techniques involved in the administration of emergency assistance to individuals who have been injured or otherwise disabled prior to the arrival of trained medical personnel.
  • Food Safety Education (2)

    Food Safety Education


    Programs that are designed to increase public awareness of the measures people can take when they shop for, store, prepare, cook, defrost or reheat food to reduce the risk of foodborne illness. Topics may include proper storage and cooking temperatures, avoidance of cross-contamination, the importance of hand washing and disinfecting kitchen surfaces, safe thawing practices, prompt refrigeration of leftovers, condiment safety, animal drugs and feeds, food irradiation, bioengineered fruit and produce, dietary supplements, food allergies, food colors and additives, fat and sugar substitutes, pesticides and other contaminants, food concerns during pregnancy and tips regarding specific foods with known risk factors. Food safety education programs may target school children; consumers; or food service workers, managers, cooks, bartenders, servers and dishwashers in restaurants, hotels, schools, child care centers, long-term care facilities and other establishments that prepare and serve food.
  • International Affairs (4)

    International Affairs


    Programs that support activities which are carried out in foreign countries and whose beneficiaries are primarily the citizens of those countries. Also included are government offices and contractors that are responsible for planning and conducting foreign affairs; transnational organizations whose activities serve and benefit both domestic and foreign interests; and domestic programs that relate to promoting international understanding and friendly relations with other countries, preserving international peace, promoting national interests abroad and protecting national security.
  • Law Enforcement Community Engagement/Outreach (1)

    Law Enforcement Community Engagement/Outreach


    Programs whose primary purpose is to acquaint the public with police procedures and specific crime prevention and other law enforcement programs that are designed to protect the community.
  • Library Services (67)

    Library Services


    Libraries and other facilities that offer a range of activities and services which are designed to meet the information and learning needs of patrons and to facilitate their enjoyment of library resources. Included are reference services, programs which introduce and encourage reading, services which enable people who cannot access the facility to utilize library resources and special collections which provide access to a broad spectrum of general and specialized book and nonbook material as well as reading material in alternative formats.
  • Maps (5)



    Programs that supply any of a wide variety of maps, charts, atlases or other guides including road maps, ZIP code maps, time zone maps, demographic maps, city center maps, topographical and survey maps, weather charts or astronomical charts for residents of the community and travelers. Included are programs that give away or sell copies of maps to interested parties as well as those that maintain maps for research or related purposes.
  • Military Service (86)

    Military Service


    Organizations that are involved in the registration of people of legal age for military service and the recruitment, selection, training, stationing, deployment and support of military personnel and their dependents.
  • Missing Persons Location Assistance (14)

    Missing Persons Location Assistance


    Programs that handle reports of people who have disappeared, assist people who need to locate an individual who has been reported as missing or with whom contact has been lost and/or help relatives establish that a missing individual has, in fact, died. Also included are programs that take and/or follow up on reports of sightings of people reported as missing.
  • Occupational Health and Safety (1)

    Occupational Health and Safety


    Programs that promote safe and healthy work environments which protect working people from illness and injury and ensure that risks to health and safety in the workplace (such as exposure to toxic chemicals, biological agents, excessive noise or vibration levels, ionizing radiation, mechanical dangers, heat, cold, work-related stress or unsanitary conditions) are identified and assessed, then eliminated or controlled. Activities may include occupational illness and injury surveillance studies; enforcement of laws that establish health and safety standards for the workplace which seek to eliminate or minimize the incidence of employment-related personal illness, injury or death of workers; education programs and consultation services for employers and employees that address overall health and safety issues as well as specific workplace risk factors; and development and implementation of effective on-site workplace health and safety programs which include policies and procedures, instruction and supervision of workers, reporting and investigation of incidents, workplace inspections, and strong management support and worker participation.
  • Political Organization and Participation (5)

    Political Organization and Participation


    Programs that encourage citizens to participate in the political process by providing opportunities for political involvement, access to public officials or information that is necessary to make informed decisions at the ballot box.
  • Protective/Restraining Orders (18)

    Protective/Restraining Orders


    Programs that provide assistance for people who need to obtain legal protection to prevent harassment, stalking or violence in situations involving child abuse, domestic abuse, elder abuse, abduction, sexual assault, stalking or other forms of harassment or the threat of workplace violence. Depending on the situation, a person may have more than one type of order. Restraining and personal protection order laws vary from one jurisdiction to another but all establish who can file for an order, what protection or relief a person can get from such an order and how the order will be enforced. The court will order the adverse party to refrain from certain actions and/or require compliance with certain provisions. Failure to comply is a violation of the order which can result in the arrest and prosecution of the offender. Violations in some jurisdictions may also constitute criminal or civil contempt of court.
  • Public Health Information/Inspection/Remediation (20)

    Public Health Information/Inspection/Remediation


    Programs that protect the public from unhealthful or unsanitary environmental conditions by establishing and enforcing health codes and regulations; taking and responding to complaints or reports regarding environmental hazards that pose a threat to public health or the environment; providing general information about environmental pollutants that constitute public health hazards; inspecting homes, public buildings, restaurants and other food facilities, and other property for compliance with health standards; cleaning up environmental hazards, when necessary; and/or initiating litigation against individuals and organizations who consistently have failed to comply with regulations, when warranted.
  • Public Health Nursing (20)

    Public Health Nursing


    Programs that protect and improve the health of the community through the use of public health nurses whose services are available through departments of public health, schools and voluntary agencies, typically in connection with medical programs supervised by physicians. Activities may include home visits to provide nursing under medical supervision for acutely ill patients and people who are chronically ill; outreach to populations who may not seek out health care through a traditional medical facility; support for physicians in public health clinics and disease detection programs; first aid and screening programs for school children; nutrition counseling; family planning information and a wide range of health education and prevention programs for the community at large which deal with personal health practices that can help to prevent illness.
  • Recycling (3)



    Programs that collect residential or commercial waste products to salvage reusable resources such as paper, plastics, glass or metals.
  • Regulations/Standards (13)



    Programs that have regulatory and/or oversight responsibilities in enforcing the laws and standards established through consumer protection or fair trade legislation.
  • Research (8)



    Programs that engage in research which involves the investigation, collection and analysis of scientific, demographic and other data with the objective of advancing knowledge in agriculture and the physical, social and life sciences, enhancing our understanding of the major issues which confront our communities and finding solutions to basic human problems. Included are pure basic research (experimental and theoretical work undertaken to acquire new knowledge without looking for long term benefits other than the advancement of knowledge); strategic basic research (experimental and theoretical work undertaken to acquire new knowledge directed into specified broad areas in the expectation of useful discoveries that many be necessary for the solution of recognized practical problems); applied research (original work undertaken primarily to answer a specific question, determine why something failed or succeeded, solve a specific, pragmatic problem or gain better understanding in a particular area); and developmental research (systematic work, using existing knowledge gained from research or practical experience, that is directed to producing new materials, products or devices; installing new processes, systems and services; or improving substantially those already produced or installed).
  • Safety Advisories (8)

    Safety Advisories


    Programs that issue bulletins to update the public about road or weather conditions, warn them of imminent threats to public health or which otherwise inform them of environmental conditions that are potential safety hazards for people in the immediate area.
  • Safety Education Programs (125)

    Safety Education Programs


    Programs whose primary purpose is to make the public aware of the measures that people can take to reduce the risk of fires or accidents in the home, at school, at work, in the air or on the water or while walking, driving or riding as a passenger in a motor vehicle; and/or which provide instructions for preparing for and surviving an accident should one occur. Also included are programs that conduct related safety inspections, particularly in the traffic safety area.
  • Safety Equipment (9)

    Safety Equipment


    Programs that supply equipment that people can use for increased protection while engaging in high risk activities such as working on construction sites; or devices that sound an alarm or facilitate rapid access in case of an emergency.
  • Service Sector/Industry Statistics (4)

    Service Sector/Industry Statistics


    Programs that are responsible for collecting, tabulating, presenting and analyzing statistics which relate to the activities of agencies, businesses and other organizations that are part of a particular service sector or industry. Sector categories group similar types of organizations based on what they do, e.g., the types of services they provide, the raw materials they process or the products they manufacture. Statistical reports may be national, state or local in scope.
  • Suicide Prevention Programs (6)

    Suicide Prevention Programs


    Programs that attempt to reduce the incidence of suicide through a variety of educational interventions which have the objective of exploring alternatives to self-harm or self-destruction. Suicide prevention programs help people understand the nature of the problem; the risk factors and warning signs; and sources for treatment and support. Included are prevention programs that address specific target populations as well as those that are intended to reach the community at large. Delivery formats may include printed materials, videos or websites that address the subject and presentations in schools and agencies and to family groups.
  • Vaccine Information (16)

    Vaccine Information


    Programs that provide information about vaccines and the illnesses they prevent, laws related to vaccines and exemptions (i.e., immunization requirements for schools, colleges/universities, preschools and child care facilities as well as the conditions under which individuals can request exemptions, usually medical contraindications and reasons of conscience including a philosophical or religious belief), recommended immunization schedules for people of different ages, vaccine safety concerns (e.g., potential side effects), statistics on immunization coverage and disease incidence and/or access to official vaccine information statements that explain to vaccine recipients, their parents, or their legal representatives both the benefits and risks of a vaccine which are handed out whenever certain vaccinations are given. Information may also be available about groups that advocate for reform of policies relating to vaccination requirements and their agenda; and topics of special interest such as travel vaccines, bioterrorism, vaccinations and pregnancy, and immunization recommendations for health care workers.