Support/Self-Help Groups

    Results: 80

  • Abuse/Violence Related Support Groups (15)

    Abuse/Violence Related Support Groups


    Mutual support groups whose members are individuals who have experienced physical or emotional abuse within the context of the home or workplace, human trafficking, sexual assault or violent crime. The groups meet in-person, by telephone or via the Internet; provide emotional support, information and resources for participants; and may be structured for victims/survivors of abuse and/or violence, for family members and others affected by the violence, or for perpetrators of family violence.
  • Adult Children of Alcoholics Support Groups (1)

    Adult Children of Alcoholics Support Groups


    Mutual support groups whose members are adults who were reared by or had contact in their formative years with a parent or parent figure who had an alcohol use disorder and, as a result, have internalized both the excessive alcohol consumption and codependency patterns of coping which may interfere with positive adjustment in adult life. The groups meet in-person, by telephone or via the Internet, and allow participants to share their experience, strengths and hopes to solve the problems they have in common.
  • Adult Day Programs (9)

    Adult Day Programs


    Programs that provide care and supervision in a protective setting for dependent adults living in the community during some portion of a 24-hour day. Services may include social and recreational activities, training that is essential for sustaining activities of daily living, hot meals, as appropriate and, if an adult day health care center, health and related services.
  • Adult Protective Services (6)

    Adult Protective Services


    Social services programs that provide assistance for older adults, people with disabilities and other vulnerable individuals who are unable to act on their own behalf or manage their own affairs, or who are in immediate danger due to physical or emotional abuse, unsafe or hazardous living conditions, exploitation, neglect, self-neglect or abandonment. Included are APS programs that investigate cases of abuse, neglect or exploitation working closely with a wide variety of professionals including physicians, nurses, firefighters and law enforcement officers following receipt of a report from friends, neighbors or others concerned for their safety; and public and private guardianship/conservatorship programs that make provisions for people who have been judged to be incompetent by the court by assuming responsibility for the care and custody of the individuals and/or for the management of their estates.
  • Alcohol Use Disorder Support Groups (13)

    Alcohol Use Disorder Support Groups


    Mutual support groups whose members are individuals who have or are at risk of an alcohol use disorder. The groups meet in-person, by telephone or via the Internet; provide emotional support, information and resources to help participants overcome their disorder; and may include faith-based and secular 12-step groups as well as non-12 step groups, and groups for anesthetists, pharmacists, psychologists, physicians or other health care professionals who are recovering from an alcohol use disorder.
  • Appearance Enhancement Consultation Programs (1)

    Appearance Enhancement Consultation Programs


    Programs that help cancer patients, accident victims, burn patients and others with temporary or permanent conditions that affect their features, cope with the appearance-related effects of their illness, injury, disability or treatment regimen by teaching them cosmetic techniques that will help restore their appearance and self-image. Services may include workshops, literature and information about make-up, hair alternatives, skin and nail care as well as wig, scarf, hat and turban demonstrations (for cancer patients coping with the side-effects of chemotherapy and radiation) or suggestions regarding appearance enhancement options available to people with other types of challenges. Participants may receive cosmetics donated by the cosmetic industry that they can use at home.
  • At Risk Youth (42)

    At Risk Youth


    Youth who, because of their economic, environmental or family situation, a health problem or disability or past behavior, are considered more likely than others to be affected by or become involved in child abuse or neglect, substance abuse, juvenile delinquency, gang behavior, adolescent pregnancy, truancy, unemployment and other problems which threaten their health, safety and/or personal development.
  • Bereavement and Grief Support Groups (21)

    Bereavement and Grief Support Groups


    Mutual support groups whose members are people who have experienced a loss such as the death of a loved one, divorce or separation and are trying to cope with their grief as a result. The groups meet in-person, by telephone or via the Internet; and focus on helping participants accept their loss, express their grief, move through the bereavement process and put their lives back together.
  • Caregiver Training (9)

    Caregiver Training


    Programs that provide training for family members and other informal caregivers which focuses on care-related activities such as medication management, personal care and making the home environment safe and barrier-free as well as on stress management and other techniques to help the caregiver take care of him or herself. The focus of the training is on building the skills and capacity of the caregiver to manage their caregiving role. Some programs include a caregiver assessment, development of an individualized plan that focuses on the caregiver, setting goals and establishing a routine for ongoing support for the caregiver.
  • Caregiver/Care Receiver Support Groups (13)

    Caregiver/Care Receiver Support Groups


    Mutual support groups whose members are family, friends, significant others, non-familial caregivers or attendants who are caring for someone who has a temporary, chronic, life-threatening or terminal illness or disability or who is elderly and increasingly unable to provide for his or her own care. The groups meet in-person, by telephone or via the Internet; and provide emotional support, information and resources to help participants ensure their own well-being while remaining involved in the intense care of a loved one. Also included are care receiver support groups that help people who have a caregiver cope with the fact that they require care. Care receiver support groups are often offered in conjunction with caregiver support groups and are structured to allow care receivers to participate in their own group while their caregiver attends another.
  • Case/Care Management (136)

    Case/Care Management


    Programs that develop plans for the evaluation, treatment and/or care of individuals who, because of age, illness, disability or other difficulties, need assistance in planning and arranging for services; which assess the individual's needs; coordinate the delivery of needed services; ensure that services are obtained in accordance with the case plan; and follow up and monitor progress to ensure that services are having a beneficial impact on the individual. Case management is a collaborative process characterized by communication, advocacy and resource management to promote high quality, cost-effective interventions and outcomes.
  • Child Care Providers (91)

    Child Care Providers


    Programs that provide substitute parental care in a group setting for children during some portion of a 24-hour day. Services may include recreational and developmental activities and snacks and/or meals as appropriate.
  • Child Support Wage Assignment Assistance (4)

    Child Support Wage Assignment Assistance


    Programs that provide legal assistance for people who want to petition the court to transfer the right to collect wages earned by their ex-spouses to themselves in cases where the ex-spouse is under court order to pay child support and fails to pay as required. Under this arrangement, the amount of the child support check is taken from the delinquent parent's paycheck and sent directly to the parent who has custody of the child.
  • Children's Protective Services (24)

    Children's Protective Services


    Programs that investigate reports of child abuse, neglect or abandonment; document substantiated cases; provide for the temporary placement of children who, for their own protection, have been removed from the custody of the adults who are responsible for their care; work with families who are experiencing a problem with child abuse with the objective of facilitating continued family unification or reunification; and provide ongoing supportive services for children in permanent placement.
  • Chronic Disease Self Management Programs (45)

    Chronic Disease Self Management Programs


    Health care programs that provide multidisciplinary education, training and support regarding recommended therapeutic regimens, medical procedures and self-care for adults, adolescents and/or children who have undergone surgery or who have chronic conditions (such as diabetes, asthma/COPD, kidney disease/ESRD, heart disease/hypertension and AIDS) that require ongoing management, and/or for family members who may be involved in their care or affected by their condition. The objective of these programs is to empower patients to manage their own chronic conditions in partnership with their health care providers. Chronic disease self management assistance may be provided in a variety of settings including classes/workshops, individual counseling sessions and as home-based services, particularly in situations where conditions in the home have an impact on the individual's illness. Chronic diseases are illnesses that are prolonged, do not resolve spontaneously, and are rarely cured completely.
  • Clinical Psychiatric Evaluation (25)

    Clinical Psychiatric Evaluation


    Programs that utilize a variety of means to evaluate the mental or emotional status or functioning of people who may be experiencing acute or chronic disturbances. Diagnostic techniques may include observation of the person's behavior, interviews with the individual and significant others, psychological testing as indicated, medical examination, assessment for psychotropic or other medication, and the formulation of an appropriate, ongoing treatment plan which may include voluntary or involuntary hospitalization.
  • Codependents Support Groups (4)

    Codependents Support Groups


    Mutual support groups whose members are people who have been in relationships, as children and as adults, with individuals who are involved in addictive, compulsive or other dysfunctional behavior with regard to any of a wide variety of problems including gambling, overspending, sex/love, relationships and overeating. The groups meet in-person, by telephone or via the Internet, and allow participants to share their experience, strengths and hopes to solve the problems they have in common, and to support the recovery of their loved one.
  • Crime Victim Support (21)

    Crime Victim Support


    Programs whose objective is to help victims of crimes and their families recover from the trauma of their experience, get medical assistance when required, make their way through the legal system, have an opportunity to provide input to parole or clemency hearings, take appropriate steps, where relevant, to avoid becoming re-victimized, access the benefits to which they are entitled and rebuild their lives.
  • Crime Witness Support (7)

    Crime Witness Support


    Programs that provide a variety of supportive services for people who have witnessed a crime which may include crisis counseling, shelter away from their homes, escort services, transportation, child care, financial assistance, protective services, information about the mechanics of court proceedings and/or advice and guidance concerning court appearances. Some programs focus specifically on child witnesses and help to prepare them for what they will experience in the courtroom.
  • Cultural Awareness/Competencies Training (3)

    Cultural Awareness/Competencies Training


    Programs that offer workshops, discussion groups and other types of training which focus on the knowledge and interpersonal skills that participants need in order to work and live comfortably and effectively with people of differing cultural backgrounds. Cultural awareness training typically helps participants clarify their own values and attitudes and understand how these condition their expectations of and reactions to others. Training which addresses cross-cultural competencies focuses on the similarities and differences between two (or more) cultures and helps participants understand the perspectives, customs, history, use of language and other aspects of the other culture in order to help prevent cultural differences from becoming barriers to communication and interaction.
  • Cultural Transition Facilitation (7)

    Cultural Transition Facilitation


    Programs that help arriving refugees, immigrants and repatriated persons settle and make an adjustment to the traditions, values and lifestyles of their adopted country.
  • Drug Use Disorder Support Groups (20)

    Drug Use Disorder Support Groups


    Mutual support groups whose members are individuals who have a disorder involving the use of drugs including prescription drugs and over-the-counter medication. The groups meet in-person, by telephone or via the Internet; provide emotional support, information and resources to help participants overcome their disorder; and may include faith-based and secular 12-step groups as well as non-12 step groups, and groups for anesthetists, pharmacists, psychologists, physicians or other health care professionals who are recovering from a drug use disorder.
  • Dual Diagnosis Support Groups (1)

    Dual Diagnosis Support Groups


    Mutual support groups whose members are individuals who have a diagnosed mental illness which interferes with their functioning in a substantial way in combination with a substance use disorder involving alcohol and/or other drugs which aggravates their ability to become stabilized or recover. The groups meet in-person, by telephone or via the Internet; provide emotional support, information and resources to help participants stop using drugs and/or alcohol and find ways to manage their emotional or psychiatric problems; and may include faith-based and secular 12-step groups as well as non-12 step groups.
  • Emotional Issues Support Groups (1)

    Emotional Issues Support Groups


    Mutual support groups whose members are individuals who have difficulty dealing with the pressures of everyday life and are living with unresolved emotional issues such as depression, anger, broken or strained relationships, low self-esteem, fear, anxiety, resentment, jealousy, guilt, boredom, loneliness or other destructive feelings. The groups meet in-person, by telephone or via the Internet; provide a structured atmosphere in which participants can share their experience, strengths and hopes in a search for inner peace; and may include faith-based and secular 12-step groups as well as non-12 step groups.
  • Errand Running/Shopping Assistance (14)

    Errand Running/Shopping Assistance


    Programs that offer the services of individuals who are available to make short trips to purchase groceries, pick up prescriptions, withdraw or deposit money in the bank, drop off or retrieve laundry and do other small tasks for older adults, people with disabilities and other individuals who cannot leave their homes or are otherwise unable or prefer not to perform these tasks for themselves.
  • Families/Friends of Compulsive Gamblers Support Groups (1)

    Families/Friends of Compulsive Gamblers Support Groups


    Mutual support groups whose members are the spouses/partners of people who are having difficulty controlling their compulsion to gamble; children of all ages whose parents, guardians or other parent figures are involved in problem gambling; and/or friends of those individuals. The groups meet in-person, by telephone or via the Internet; and allow participants to share their experience, strengths and hopes to solve the problems they have in common, and to support the recovery of their loved one.
  • Families/Friends Support Groups (3)

    Families/Friends Support Groups


    Mutual support groups whose members are the spouses, partners, parents, children, siblings, friends or significant others of people who have specific disabilities, medical diagnoses, personal losses or other problems, whose own patterns of personal, social and familial coping have been significantly affected by ongoing interaction with and concern about the individual. The groups meet in-person, by telephone or via the Internet, and provide an opportunity for participants to share information, resources, practical tips for daily living and encouragement about related issues.
  • Family Preservation Programs (5)

    Family Preservation Programs


    Programs that provide a variety of short-term, intensive, home-based intervention services for families experiencing a crisis that is so severe that children are at imminent risk for placement outside the family setting. Services, which are aimed at ameliorating the underlying causes of family dysfunction, are generally time-limited, of fairly short duration and available on a 24-hour basis. Also included are other family preservation program models whose programs vary in terms of the population served, the level of intensity of services provided and the length of services. The objective of family preservation programs is to preserve the family as a unit and prevent unnecessary placement of the children in foster care, a group home, an inpatient substance abuse or mental health treatment program, a residential training school or other alternative living arrangement.
  • Family Support Centers/Outreach (14)

    Family Support Centers/Outreach


    Programs that provide a wide variety of social services that are designed to support the healthy development of families, improve family interaction skills and help fragile families to resolve their problems at a pre-crisis stage before they become unmanageable. Services may be center-based or provided on an outreach basis to families who are initially reluctant to seek support and generally target the specific needs of a particular community. Included may be self-sufficiency programs which help families break the cycle of poverty by addressing the barriers to self-sufficiency; early child development and school success programs; programs which address the needs of teen parents; programs which target parents at risk for becoming abusive; programs for families with children who have special developmental needs and programs that focus on the maternal and child health care needs of first-time, expectant women whose babies are at high risk for low birth weight and infant mortality.
  • Family Support Recruitment/Referral (30)

    Family Support Recruitment/Referral


    Programs that identify and enlist people who are willing to provide living arrangements in their homes for children who need an alternative family living environment; offer services that augment and support those that are available through the family unit; or link individuals who are in need of these services with appropriate providers.
  • Friendly Outreach Programs (24)

    Friendly Outreach Programs


    Programs that reach out to people who are hospitalized or in another institutional setting, are socially isolated due to disability or old age, or otherwise lack companionship with the objective of brightening their day and helping them to maintain contact with the outside world. Included may be in-person visits, telephone calls, Internet chat sessions or other forms of contact.
  • Gambling Addiction Support Groups (3)

    Gambling Addiction Support Groups


    Mutual support groups whose members are people who are having difficulty controlling their compulsion to gamble. Families and friends may also be welcome. The groups meet in-person, by telephone or via the Internet; provide emotional support, information and resources to help participants come to terms with their addiction; and may include faith-based and secular 12-step groups as well as non-12 step groups.
  • Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender Support Groups (15)

    Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender Support Groups


    Mutual support groups whose members are gays, lesbians, bisexual individuals, people who are in the process of coming out, people who are questioning their sexual orientation, transgender individuals, cross-dressers and/or gender questioning youth. Some groups may include intersexed individuals (people born with reproductive organs and/or genitalia that are ambiguous or atypical). Groups may also be structured for the parents, children, heterosexual spouses or partners or other relatives or significant others of people with sexual orientation or gender identity issues. The groups provide an opportunity for members to share their issues and concerns with others in a safe, supportive environment. Meeting formats may include in-person, telephone or Internet options.
  • General Addictions/Substance Use Disorder Support Groups (15)

    General Addictions/Substance Use Disorder Support Groups


    Mutual support groups whose members are people who have any type of behavioral addiction or a substance use disorder involving alcohol or other drugs. The groups meet in-person, by telephone or via the Internet; provide emotional support, information and resources to help those who participate modify their behavior; and may include faith-based and secular 12-step groups as well as non-12 step groups.
  • Guidance and Counseling (21)

    Guidance and Counseling


    Programs that provide advice and guidance for students who need assistance in choosing courses or areas for major study, preparing for a vocation or further education, or coping with learning problems, or who, because of lack of familiarity with the U.S. or other circumstances, require specialized support.
  • Health Care Referrals (20)

    Health Care Referrals


    Programs that link people who are in need of medical care, nursing care, dental care or other types of health care services with qualified practitioners.
  • Health Insurance Information/Counseling (142)

    Health Insurance Information/Counseling


    Programs that offer information and guidance for people who need assistance in selecting appropriate health insurance coverage and which may also answer questions about health insurance benefits and help people complete insurance forms.
  • Health Insurance/Dental Coverage (8)

    Health Insurance/Dental Coverage


    Organizations that issue insurance policies which reimburse policy holders for all or a portion of the cost of hospital, medical or dental care or lost income arising from an illness or injury.
  • Health/Disability Related Support Groups (45)

    Health/Disability Related Support Groups


    Mutual support groups whose members are people who have a disability, illness or other health condition, their families and friends. The groups meet in-person, by telephone or via the Internet; and provide an opportunity for participants to share information, resources, practical tips for daily living and encouragement about issues related to the disability or health problem.
  • Hearing Augmentation Aids (5)

    Hearing Augmentation Aids


    Programs that pay for or provide equipment or other products which enhance the residual hearing of people who have hearing impairments or which provide alternative methods of communication for people who have no residual hearing.
  • Inmate Support Services (5)

    Inmate Support Services


    Programs that provide emotional support and friendship (through correspondence or other mechanisms) for individuals who are incarcerated in a correctional facility; facilitate continued contact between inmates and family members, friends and significant others; work to vindicate and free from prison, inmates who claim to be innocent of the crimes for which they have been convicted and sentenced; and/or ensure that inmates receive the services and support they need to solve problems arising from their incarceration and/or prepare for their release.
  • Intensive Family Reunification Services (1)

    Intensive Family Reunification Services


    Programs that identify families with children in foster placement whose prospects for successful reunification are good, provide the array of supportive services needed by the family to attempt reunification, supervise visitation in the home by the child, oversee trial placement with the family and provide whatever home-based services are required to facilitate permanent reunification. Services may include mental health and substance abuse counseling, home management instruction, parenting skills development, stress management and tutoring.
  • Interpretation/Translation (15)



    Programs that enable individuals who have visual or hearing impairments, who speak, read or write a language other than English and/or who require documents that have been translated into plain language to access information or communicate their needs manually, verbally and/or in writing; or to have improved access to entertainment, educational or artistic events or facilities that feature important visual or audio content.
  • LGBTQ2+ Support Groups (4)

    LGBTQ2+ Support Groups


    Mutual support groups whose members identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, two-spirit or as part of other communities such as those in the process of coming out or questioning their sexual orientation or gender identity. Groups may also be structured for parents, children, heterosexual partners or other relatives or significant others. The groups provide an opportunity for members to share their issues and concerns with others in a safe, supportive environment. Meeting formats may include in-person, telephone or Internet options.
  • Life Coaching (2)

    Life Coaching


    Programs that offer the services of a "life coach" who helps people articulate their dreams, clarify their mission in life, identify specific goals, develop concrete action plans, take advantage of feedback and support and move beyond barriers and self-sabotage. Life coaching differs from psychotherapy in that it is not designed to treat diagnosable mental disorders such as depression, anxiety or substance abuse, but rather draws on people's strengths and inner resources to create a life of fulfillment, accomplishment and balance. It is usually offered over the telephone with weekly appointments, but face-to-face, email and instant message sessions may also be available.
  • Live In Companions (2)

    Live In Companions


    Programs that help people who are socially isolated due to disability or old age relieve their loneliness by providing a companion who shares the individual's home and is available on a continual basis for reading, talking, listening, writing letters and other tasks which help the individual maintain contact with the outside world.
  • Medical Equipment/Supplies (14)

    Medical Equipment/Supplies


    Programs that pay for or provide necessary in-home hospital equipment, monitoring devices, respiratory aids, prevention kits and other medical supplies that are required by people who want to prevent the transmission of an infectious disease, are coping with the effects of a chronic health condition or disability or are convalescing following surgery or illness. Included are programs that provide medical equipment on a loan basis as well as those that provide equipment that people can keep.
  • Medication Information/Management (68)

    Medication Information/Management


    Programs that conduct a review of the prescription and over-the-counter medication and other substances (e.g., herbal remedies, vitamins and other supplements, illegal drugs) that people are taking, and answer any questions they may have about their medications or their medication regimen. The reviews address a number of issues including appropriate therapeutic uses of particular substances; adverse side effects; interaction/reaction with foods and other drugs; product identification and availability or equivalency; safety when used by children, pregnant or breastfeeding individuals or older adults, many of whom may have multiple prescriptions; and outcomes. The objectives of the program are to support the individual's ability to self-administer medications as prescribed and to ensure their safety and well being, particularly in circumstances where their medication regimen is complex.
  • Men's Support Groups (1)

    Men's Support Groups


    Mutual support groups whose members are men who want an opportunity to share their issues and concerns with other men in a safe, supportive environment. Meeting formats may include in-person, telephone or Internet options.
  • Mental Health Related Support Groups (21)

    Mental Health Related Support Groups


    Mutual support groups whose members are people who have specific social or emotional concerns or mental illnesses. Families and friends may also be welcome. The groups meet in-person, by telephone or via the Internet; and provide an opportunity for participants to share information, practical tips for daily living and encouragement about issues related to their concerns.
  • Mentoring Programs (27)

    Mentoring Programs


    Programs that provide companionship, guidance and/or role models for individuals who are disadvantaged because of age, income, physical or developmental disabilities or family environment.
  • Military Family Support Groups (6)

    Military Family Support Groups


    Mutual support groups whose members are the spouses, children, parents, other relatives, boyfriends, girlfriends or friends of active duty military personnel who have needs, issues and problems that relate to the stresses of military life. The groups meet in-person, by telephone or via the Internet; help participants prepare for military mobilization or deployment; and allow them to share their experience, strengths and hopes to solve the problems they have in common and to address the quality of life issues that affect them all.
  • Parenting Education (135)

    Parenting Education


    Programs that provide classes, workshops or other educational opportunities for parents or potential parents who want to acquire the knowledge and skills to be effective in their parenting role.
  • Parenting/Family Support Groups (29)

    Parenting/Family Support Groups


    Mutual support groups whose members are individuals who have experiences relating to adoption, birth control, family planning, pregnancy, childbirth, foster care, kinship care, marriage, parenting, separation/divorce, single parenting, step families, blended families, grandparent rights or other family situations. The groups meet in-person, by telephone or via the Internet; and provide an opportunity for participants to share their experience, strengths and hopes, understand their relationships and work through related emotions.
  • Patient/Family Support Services (6)

    Patient/Family Support Services


    Programs that provide support services for patients and their families. Included are offices in hospitals or medical clinics that provide advocacy, social work services, or assistance related to admissions or billing; temporary housing for patients/families; mercy flights; morale boosting activities; and other services that support the ability of patients and their families to cope with illness.
  • Peer to Peer Networking (11)

    Peer to Peer Networking


    Programs that link individuals who have a particular disability or condition or have specific types of life experiences and are interested in meeting or corresponding with others who have similar disabilities, conditions or experiences for the purpose of information sharing and support.
  • Poison Control (1)

    Poison Control


    Programs that provide emergency information, usually on a 24-hour basis, for medical personnel or others who may need to take immediate corrective action to treat an individual who has been poisoned or to prevent such an occurrence.
  • Prostitution Related Support Groups (1)

    Prostitution Related Support Groups


    Mutual support groups whose members are young people, men and/or women who are involved in prostitution, phone sex, nude dancing, pornography or other aspects of the sex industry. The groups meet in-person, by telephone or via the Internet; and allow participants to share their experience, strengths and hopes, recover from the effects of their former profession and put their lives back together.
  • Psychiatric Case Management (47)

    Psychiatric Case Management


    Programs that develop case plans for the evaluation, treatment and/or care of individuals who have mental, emotional or social problems and need assistance in arranging for services; which assess the individual's needs; coordinate the delivery of needed services; ensure that services are obtained in accordance with the case plan; and follow up and monitor progress to ensure that services are having a beneficial impact on the problem.
  • Psychiatric Medication Services (36)

    Psychiatric Medication Services


    Programs that prescribe antidepressants, antianxiety drugs, antimaniacs, sedatives and antipsychotic/neuroleptic medications to control symptoms such as delusions, extreme agitation, panic attacks, manic or depressive episodes, hallucinations or paranoia that are associated with specific forms of mental illness. Services may include a psychiatric evaluation to determine the need for medication; prescription of an appropriate drug; and periodic follow-up to monitor the effectiveness of the medication in modifying the individual's behavior, ensure that undesirable side effects are minimized and verify that medication is, in fact, being taken as prescribed.
  • Psychological Testing (13)

    Psychological Testing


    Programs that provide a variety of standardized tests including personality inventories, aptitude tests, intelligence tests, attitude tests, projective measures and affective tests to evaluate the psychosocial functioning of people who may be experiencing mental, emotional or social difficulties. Psychological testing is often a part of a broader psychological assessment, and may be used in differential diagnosis to substantiate that a particular diagnosis is correct.
  • Psychosocial Evaluation (20)

    Psychosocial Evaluation


    Programs that assess the emotional and social functioning of an individual or group including a family in the context of all of the factors that combine to affect that functioning and lend meaning to its interpretation, for the purpose of identifying problem areas and developing a plan that will support identified strengths and resolve or minimize identified difficulties. The process may include an evaluation of communication and coping skills on a personal and interpersonal basis; the impact of the environment on functioning; and the deficits in knowledge, support, skills and ability which must be considered to understand current functioning and to develop a treatment program that addresses the person or group in context. This process may be utilized with people who are experiencing minor or time-limited situational problems and as a component of a comprehensive evaluation of someone whose difficulties are severe and/or chronic.
  • Recovery Homes/Halfway Houses (6)

    Recovery Homes/Halfway Houses


    Community-based, peer-group-oriented, residential facilities that provide food, shelter and recovery services in a supportive, non-drinking, drug-free environment for people who have completed a hospital or residential substance use disorder rehabilitation program and need continued support in a residential setting to sustain their recovery. Services may include case management, relapse prevention counseling, 12-step meetings, educational and vocational planning, recreational activities and assistance in obtaining health, social, vocational and other services available in the community. Residents are expected to abide by house rules which vary from facility to facility. The objective is to help people who are recovering from an alcohol and/or other drug use disorder bridge the gap between intensive treatment and independent sober living.
  • Representative Payee Services (3)

    Representative Payee Services


    Public agencies, nonprofit organizations, banks, relatives or other individuals who have been appointed under federal law to act as a surrogate in situations where a cognitive impairment makes it impossible for beneficiaries to manage their own Social Security and SSI/SSD payments. Representative payees are chosen and designated by the Social Security Administration (SSA) to act on behalf of financially incapable SS or SSI beneficiaries. The individuals and organizations selected by the SSA may also manage waiver funding, consumer or family support grants or other types of benefits when chosen and designated by the administrating entity to act on behalf of beneficiaries who are incapable of managing their finances.
  • Respite Care (1)

    Respite Care


    Programs that provide a brief period of relief or rest for family members, guardians or other people who are regular caregivers for dependent adults or children by offering temporary or intermittent care in the home or in community settings/facilities.
  • School Based Integrated Services (21)

    School Based Integrated Services


    Programs, often offered directly by schools, that develop collaborative partnerships with public and private community agencies to meet the mental health, juvenile justice, social service and academic needs of school children whose struggles with multiple problems including poor physical or mental health, inadequate nutrition, substance abuse, family dysfunction or insufficient community support are affecting their educational performance. The purpose of these programs is to develop an integrated services delivery system through which existing resources are coordinated and made available to children and youth, their parents and family members at or near the school site.
  • Self Esteem Workshops (1)

    Self Esteem Workshops


    Programs that offer workshops, discussion groups and other types of training which focus on helping participants develop a sense of self-worth and importance as a means of strengthening their character, supporting their ability to resist peer pressure and helping them to act more responsibly toward others.
  • Sexual/Love Addiction Support Groups (3)

    Sexual/Love Addiction Support Groups


    Mutual support groups whose members are people who are having difficulty controlling their compulsive sexual behavior and/or emotional attachments, and spouses, partners or other family members who are involved in relationships with individuals exhibiting this type of behavior. The groups meet in-person, by telephone or via the Internet; provide emotional support, information and resources to help participants avoid destructive sexual behavior and achieve sexual sobriety; and may include faith-based and secular 12-step groups as well as non-12 step groups.
  • Smoking Addiction Support Groups (3)

    Smoking Addiction Support Groups


    Mutual support groups whose members are individuals who wish to recover from their dependence on nicotine and give up cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff or other substances containing nicotine. The groups meet in-person, by telephone or via the Internet; provide emotional support, information and resources to help participants come to terms with their addiction; and may include faith-based and secular 12-step groups as well as non-12 step groups.
  • Specialized Telecommunications Equipment (2)

    Specialized Telecommunications Equipment


    Programs that pay for or provide access to TTY equipment (also known as text telephones, TDDs and telecommunication devices for the deaf), or other specialized telecommunications devices such as voice carry-over telephones, amplified telephones, telebraillers, voice-activated telephones, captioned telephone, sip-n-puff telephones or large visual displays for use at home or in the office by people who are deaf or hearing impaired, have speech disabilities or physical limitations, or need to communicate with a person with a hearing impairment or speech disability. Included are programs that pay for or loan such equipment to people with disabilities or organizations serving them, or which operate sites where such equipment is available for use by the public.
  • Stress Management (13)

    Stress Management


    Programs that utilize a variety of techniques including demonstration, exercise and discussion to help participants increase their understanding of the conditions and habits that lead to stress, to learn more about the effects of stress on the body, to identify the stressors in their own lives, and to develop better ways of reducing or managing stress in their personal relationships and work environment. The program may include instruction in and practice of physical exercises, relaxation techniques and other mechanisms for coping with stress.
  • Team Building Activities (1)

    Team Building Activities


    Programs that sponsor group activities, games and/or guided adventures (such as ropes courses) which are designed to build trust, hone problem-solving and decision-making skills, develop respect for others, enhance self-esteem and improve the participant's ability to work cooperatively in a group.
  • Therapy Referrals (4)

    Therapy Referrals


    Programs that link people who are in need of counseling services with private therapists who are qualified in the desired area of specialization.
  • Transitional Mental Health Services (3)

    Transitional Mental Health Services


    Programs that provide services that facilitate the return to the community of people who have been hospitalized for treatment of acute or chronic mental or emotional disturbances.
  • Traveling Companions (1)

    Traveling Companions


    Programs that offer the services of individuals who are willing to accompany people who would otherwise have to travel alone during their journey.
  • Veteran Support Groups (3)

    Veteran Support Groups


    Mutual support groups whose members were previously affiliated with one of the branches of the armed forces, their families and friends. The groups meet in-person, by telephone or via the Internet; may focus on former prisoners of war, veterans of specific wars, e.g., the Gulf War, women who are veterans or other specific veteran populations; and allow participants to share their experience, strengths and hopes and put their lives back together if they have been troubled by homelessness, disability, substance abuse, depression or other issues related to their service to the country.
  • Visual/Reading Aids (10)

    Visual/Reading Aids


    Programs that pay for or provide equipment or other products which enhance the ability of people who have visual impairments or other disabilities to see and/or read; or which make television programs, feature films, home videos and other visual media accessible by providing a descriptive narration of key visual elements in these programs.
  • Weight Management Support Groups (2)

    Weight Management Support Groups


    Mutual support groups whose members are individuals who are seeking weight gain or weight loss support. The groups meet in-person, by telephone or via the Internet; provide emotional support, information and resources for those who participate; offer weight loss or weight gain support only, no special diets; and may include faith-based and secular 12-step groups as well as non-12 step groups.
  • Women's Support Groups (2)

    Women's Support Groups


    Mutual support groups whose members are women who want an opportunity to share their issues and concerns with other women in a safe, supportive environment. Meeting formats may include in-person, telephone or Internet options.
  • Youth/Student Support Groups (4)

    Youth/Student Support Groups


    Mutual support groups whose members are young people, including students, who want an opportunity to share their issues and concerns with other youth in a safe, supportive environment. Meeting formats may include in-person, telephone or Internet options.