Sexual Issues

    Results: 10

  • Discrimination Assistance (18)

    Discrimination Assistance


    Programs that provide assistance for people who believe that they have been treated unfairly or denied normal privileges based on their age, gender, race or ethnic origin, nationality, religion, disability, sexual orientation or marital status.
  • Males (28)



    Individuals who have needs and interests in common as a result of similar experiences, concerns or expectations as males.
  • Sex Offender Counseling (1)

    Sex Offender Counseling


    Programs that provide voluntary or court-ordered individual or group counseling for people who have committed or are at risk of committing sexual offenses which may include rape or other sexual assault, nonfamilial child sexual assault, indecent exposure, or voyeurism, with the objective of eliminating violent and/or abusive behavior.
  • Sexual Assault Counseling (12)

    Sexual Assault Counseling


    Programs that provide crisis, short-term and/or ongoing counseling for people who are coping with the emotional trauma of being forced to engage in sexual intercourse or other sexual acts without their consent. Included are military sexual trauma (MST) counseling programs offered by facilities operated by the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs, which address the needs of veterans who have been traumatized by having experienced assault or repeated threatening sexual harassment which occurred while serving on active duty in the military. Counseling and support may be offered in a variety of settings and may include individual, conjoint, family and group therapy sessions for the survivor and/or significant others.
  • Sexual Assault Prevention (3)

    Sexual Assault Prevention


    Programs that help people who may be vulnerable to rape, molestation or other forms of sexual assault become aware of the general precautions that can be taken to reduce the risk of becoming a victim, and the alternatives for handling the situation should they be approached or attacked.
  • Sexual Orientation Counseling (2)

    Sexual Orientation Counseling


    Programs that provide emotional support, information and guidance for people who want to explore their sexual orientation in order to enable them to identify and feel comfortable with their orientation. Counseling and support may be offered in a variety of settings which may include individual and group counseling sessions and, if appropriate, conjoint and family counseling sessions with significant others.
  • Sexual/Love Addiction Counseling (1)

    Sexual/Love Addiction Counseling


    Programs that provide emotional support, information and guidance for people whose behavior is characterized by a compulsive need to engage in a repetitive series of sexual encounters and/or romantic attachments which interfere with the their ability to develop positive intimate relationships and to learn to cope with life stresses in a healthy manner. Counseling and support may be offered in a variety of settings which may include individual and group counseling sessions and, if appropriate, conjoint and family counseling sessions with significant others.
  • Sexuality/Reproductive Health Education (25)

    Sexuality/Reproductive Health Education


    Programs that provide information about the physiological and emotional aspects of human sexuality including anatomy and physiology, puberty, pregnancy, birth control, sexually transmitted infections and the subsequent risk of infertility, menopause and the attitudes, feelings and behaviors that are related to sexuality for people of all ages.
  • Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening (143)

    Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening


    Programs that identify individuals who have contracted gonorrhea, syphilis, genital herpes or other infections that are spread by sexual contact and diagnose their conditions. The procedure includes visual examinations, blood tests and analyses of discharge or samples taken from lesions.
  • Sexually Transmitted Infections (22)

    Sexually Transmitted Infections


    Any of a variety of infections that are acquired as a result of sexual activity with an individual who is infected.