
    Results: 35

  • Active Military (96)

    Active Military


    The enlisted men, women and officers who are currently serving in one of the branches of the armed forces.
  • Area Agencies on Aging (2)

    Area Agencies on Aging


    Substate organizations authorized under the Older Americans Act of 1965 to develop a comprehensive, coordinated system of community-based services for older adults within their planning and service area. State Units on Aging designate, provide federal and state funding, and monitor operations of AAAs. Eight states and the District of Columbia do not have AAAs and, therefore, serve the roles of both state and area agency. AAA's responsibilities include planning; development of local funding resources; and contracting with local service provider organizations to provide authorized services which include information and referral/assistance, outreach, case/care management, escort, transportation, homemaker/chore, personal care, home repair and rehabilitation, home delivered meals, congregate meals, adult day care, elder abuse prevention, nursing home ombudsman, legal assistance, employment and training, health promotion and disease prevention and senior centers as well as services that support caregivers including respite care, counseling and education programs. AAAs may provide a number of other services in situations where local service provider options are limited.
  • Certificates/Forms Assistance (53)

    Certificates/Forms Assistance


    Programs that help people obtain, complete and/or file official forms, certificates, documents, applications or other paperwork that is required to apply for benefits or services, initiate or respond to legal action or to officially handle or document the occurrence of a transaction; that help people acquire copies of official documents on file elsewhere; or that review legal documentation an individual has received to help explain its meaning.
  • Consumer Action Information/Support (5)

    Consumer Action Information/Support


    Programs that provide information, advice and/or access to necessary forms for individuals who want to exercise their rights as consumers.
  • Consumer Complaints (65)

    Consumer Complaints


    Programs that provide mechanisms through which consumers can register complaints regarding specific problems they are having with consumer goods and services, and obtain assistance in achieving a satisfactory resolution.
  • Consumer Education (11)

    Consumer Education


    Programs that utilize a wide variety of informational materials and techniques to increase the public's awareness of their rights and responsibilities as consumers of goods and services. The services may include information concerning federal and state consumer protection laws and regulatory agencies; advice regarding comparison shopping, use of consumer reports and buying guides, and other practices that help consumers make informed decisions and avoid problems before they occur; and education regarding the steps that need to be taken to resolve problems with unfair credit practices, defective products, shoddy repairs or workmanship or incompetent services.
  • Consumer Protection Agencies (21)

    Consumer Protection Agencies


    Agencies established by federal, state, county or city officials, business or industry associations, the media or the private sector to provide consumer education and information and/or to handle consumer complaints regarding unfair or fraudulent business or credit practices, unsafe or poor quality goods, incompetent services or other similar problems; and to provide solutions through mediation, arbitration or public pressure.
  • Disability Rights Groups (4)

    Disability Rights Groups


    Organizations that support the passage and enforcement of laws or other social measures that protect the rights of people who have physical, mental, developmental or learning disabilities and maximize their ability to enjoy the same opportunities, resources and privileges as the mainstream population.
  • Environmental Protection and Improvement (53)

    Environmental Protection and Improvement


    Programs that conserve endangered land, water, energy, wildlife and other natural resources; establish and enforce minimum standards for environmental quality which promote the health and well-being of the public; develop and implement beautification programs; and support other initiatives that protect and enhance the physical environment.
  • General Benefits and Services Assistance (21)

    General Benefits and Services Assistance


    Programs that focus broadly on helping individuals who are having difficulty understanding, accessing, and/or are unaware of grants, payments, services or other benefits for which they are eligible rather than offering more specialized services relating to a particular type of benefit or service.
  • GI Rights Counseling (1)

    GI Rights Counseling


    Programs that provide information about U.S. military regulations and practices as well as legal assistance for service members, veterans, potential recruits, and their families with the objective of supporting their ability to exercise their rights and make appropriate decisions regarding military service. Issues may include conscientious objection registration, military discharge options, AWOL (Absent WithOut Leave) and UA (Unauthorized Absence) policies and regulations, homosexual conduct regulations, military misconduct discharge regulations, service-connected injuries, post-traumatic stress disorder, sexual and other forms of harassment, abuses of command, broken enlistment promises and other legal matters concerning their relationship with the military. The program may also help young people who signed up for the military through delayed entry programs in their high schools and have changed their minds about entering the military.
  • Group Advocacy (4)

    Group Advocacy


    Programs that intervene on behalf of groups of people who have a common grievance against a public or private service provider or who believe that their rights have been violated, and which attempt to reach an equitable settlement without resorting to litigation.
  • Health and Residential Facility Evaluation Information (3)

    Health and Residential Facility Evaluation Information


    Programs that publish information about health and residential care facilities (including hospitals, dialysis facilities, home health care agencies, nursing facilities and supportive housing for older adults and people with disabilities) that helps consumers compare the facilities in their area and choose the option that best meets their needs. Some programs limit their comparisons to treatment that is related to specific conditions, e.g., heart attack, heart failure or pneumonia.
  • Health Related Advocacy Groups (1)

    Health Related Advocacy Groups


    Organizations that are dedicated to protecting and improving the quality and affordability of health and long term care for all individuals and advocating for changes in the health care system that will achieve these goals; or which advocate more broadly for legislation and other measures such as bans on smoking that have a positive impact on public health. Specific issues may include extending the reach of childhood immunization programs, expanding services for people with specific disabilities or health conditions, funding medical research, supporting or opposing stem cell research, establishing the liability of managed health care organizations and nursing facilities for the consequences of their decisions, providing a prescription drug benefit for the elderly, passing a powerful patient's bill of rights, advocating for universal health care or taking a position on the merits of specific medical procedures or forms of treatment.
  • Homelessness Advocacy Groups (1)

    Homelessness Advocacy Groups


    Organizations that support measures that address the needs of people who are, or are at risk of becoming, homeless including the need for shelter, transitional housing, permanent housing, medical care and basic human rights.
  • Housing Advocacy Groups (7)

    Housing Advocacy Groups


    Organizations that advocate for constructing, renovating or otherwise improving the availability of safe, affordable rental and purchasable housing for low-income individuals and families, older adults, people with disabilities, migrant workers and others who are unable to purchase a home or rent a home or apartment under current market conditions or who are forced to spend an excessively large proportion of their income on housing to the detriment of other necessities.
  • Human Trafficking Legal Assistance (2)

    Human Trafficking Legal Assistance


    Programs that provide legal assistance including consultation and representation for victims of human trafficking who have a case involving issues such as coercion into prostitution, forced marriage, domestic violence, bonded labor or other controlled situations against their will that fall within the jurisdiction of the courts in the United States. Human trafficking is the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of persons by improper means, such as force, abduction, fraud or coercion, for an improper purpose, like forced or coerced labor, servitude, slavery or sexual exploitation.
  • Immigrant Benefits Assistance (6)

    Immigrant Benefits Assistance


    Programs that provide assistance for non-citizens who are having difficulty understanding, accessing, and/or are unaware of government-sponsored entitlement programs and social services for which they are eligible including housing programs, employment assistance and job training, medical assistance, and other government entitlements. The program may help these individuals understand the eligibility criteria for benefits and services, the benefits/services available, the payment process and the rights of beneficiaries; provide consultation and advice; help them complete application forms; negotiate on their behalf with benefits administration and social service staff; and/or represent them in administrative processes or judicial litigation. Included are benefits counseling organizations that offer a range of advocacy services and legal aid programs that offer more formalized legal assistance.
  • Immigrants (84)



    Individuals from other countries who have come to the United States to live permanently.
  • Individual Advocacy (18)

    Individual Advocacy


    Programs that intercede on behalf of individuals to help them establish eligibility for or obtain needed services when they have been denied benefits or services for which they are eligible, when they need assistance to communicate their needs to a service provider or to otherwise effectively represent themselves, or when they have a complaint about a service. Individual advocacy attempts to reach equitable settlements without resorting to litigation and seeks to meet individual needs without attempting to change social institutions.
  • Legislative Advocacy (1)

    Legislative Advocacy


    Programs that attempt to influence the introduction or review of pending bills, ordinances or administrative rulings with the objective of having an impact on the passage or defeat of such legislation or its content.
  • Mental Health Associations (1)

    Mental Health Associations


    Organizations whose members are mental health service providers, consumers, parents and advocates who have affiliated for the purpose of improving mental health services, preventing mental illness, promoting social conditions which enhance the potential for good mental health and advocating for an environment of awareness and tolerance. Many mental health associations provide information about and referral to local mental health resources, public education regarding mental illness, advocacy, and technical assistance and training on issues affecting their members.
  • Neighborhood Dispute Resolution Services (2)

    Neighborhood Dispute Resolution Services


    Mediation centers in local neighborhoods that help to resolve problems between residents that relate to issues such as noise, the behavior of pets and children, visual eyesores (e.g., trash, unkempt lawns, offensive signs) and property boundary disputes. When disputes between neighbors over nuisance related items can be resolved through alternative methods such as mediation, the local government does not have to become involved with a formal complaint investigation and remediation process.
  • Patient Rights Assistance (10)

    Patient Rights Assistance


    Programs that provide information, education, advocacy and/or other forms of legal assistance which relate to the rights of people who are patients in a health or mental health care facility, who are residents of convalescent or other long or short-term care facilities including adult residential care homes, or who are incapacitated and are being cared for at home by family members. Services may also be available to significant others of these individuals.
  • Pension Benefits Assistance (1)

    Pension Benefits Assistance


    Programs that provide information, education, advocacy and/or other forms or legal assistance for people who are experiencing difficulties understanding or collecting their retirement benefits or who have other complaints about the terms or administration of their public or private pension plan or fund.
  • Protection and Advocacy for Individuals With Disabilities (3)

    Protection and Advocacy for Individuals With Disabilities


    Programs that provide assistance for individuals with disabilities who are having difficulty understanding, accessing, and/or are unaware of the full benefits and services to which they are entitled by law. Included are federally mandated programs that are part of the formal protection and advocacy system which includes Protection and Advocacy for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (PADD), Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness (PAIMI), Protection and Advocacy for Individual Rights (PAIR) and the Client Assistance Program (CAP); and independent organizations that provide the same types of services. Protection and advocacy programs provide legal representation and other advocacy services, under federal and state laws, for all people with disabilities and endeavor to ensure full access to inclusive educational programs, financial entitlements, health care, accessible housing and productive employment opportunities. The programs maintain a presence in facilities that care for people with disabilities where they monitor, investigate and attempt to remedy adverse conditions. CAP agencies (many of which are housed within protection and advocacy offices) provide information and assistance for individuals seeking or receiving vocational rehabilitation services under the Rehabilitation Act, including assistance in pursuing administrative, legal and other appropriate remedies.
  • School System Advocacy (8)

    School System Advocacy


    Programs that assist families in their interactions with the school system which may include help with school registration, enrollment of children in special programs, intervention on behalf of students facing disciplinary action or expulsion and other activities which facilitate communication between families and school staff.
  • Senior Advocacy Groups (4)

    Senior Advocacy Groups


    Organizations that support the passage and enforcement of laws and other social measures that protect and promote the rights and interests of older adults.
  • System Advocacy (8)

    System Advocacy


    Programs that seek changes in community conditions, structures or institutions when modifications in the service delivery system as a whole are required to ensure the adequate availability of essential community services, to contribute to human growth and development and to prevent unwitting support of conditions which are injurious to individuals and families who are residents. The objective of system advocacy is to make changes that are required to benefit the community as a whole rather than focusing on the needs of a particular individual, family or group of residents.
  • Traffic/Parking Violation Assistance (6)

    Traffic/Parking Violation Assistance


    Programs that provide information and assistance for people who have violated one of the provisions of state motor vehicle codes or local parking or traffic ordinances and have questions about payments, their rights and their alternatives.
  • Unemployment Insurance Benefits Assistance (1)

    Unemployment Insurance Benefits Assistance


    Programs that provide assistance for people who are having difficulty understanding and/or obtaining the full benefits to which they are entitled by law through their state Unemployment Insurance program. The programs may help people understand the eligibility criteria for unemployment insurance benefits, the benefits provided by the program, and the rights of beneficiaries; provide consultation and advice; help them complete unemployment application forms; negotiate on their behalf with unemployment insurance benefits staff; prepare a written appeal; and/or represent them in administrative hearings or judicial litigation. Included are organizations that offer a range of advocacy services as well as legal aid programs which offer more formalized legal assistance.
  • Unfair Labor Practices (2)

    Unfair Labor Practices


    Programs that prevent and provide remedies for unlawful acts by either employers or unions or both when a covered individual, organization or employer files an unfair labor practice charge.
  • Veteran Benefits Assistance (33)

    Veteran Benefits Assistance


    Programs that provide assistance for veterans who are having difficulty understanding, accessing, and/or are unaware of the full benefits and services to which they are entitled by law based on service to their country. The programs may help veterans understand the eligibility criteria for benefits and services, the benefits and services provided by the program, the payment process and the rights of beneficiaries; provide consultation and advice; help them complete benefits and services application forms; negotiate on their behalf with U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs staff; and/or represent them in administrative processes or judicial litigation. Included are Veteran Services Officers (VSOs) who are trained and accredited by the Veteran's Administration (VA) and can be found in offices specific to each state, the county courthouse, the local VA office and local veteran's rights organizations; as well as legal aid programs that offer more formalized legal assistance.
  • Veteran Membership Organizations (5)

    Veteran Membership Organizations


    Programs whose members are veterans who have joined together on a voluntary basis to promote mutual interests. Activities may include advocacy for the preservation and expansion of earned privileges and benefits, testimony before Congress on issues affecting veterans, awards and other measures for promoting appreciation of and recognition for veterans and their accomplishments, community service programs, and social activities for members. Some organizations may provide active support for the democratic principles of religious and political freedom; offer benefits such as health insurance, life insurance, credit cards and financial planning services for members; or maintain special burial funds to help indigent veterans and their families.
  • Wage/Benefits Garnishment Assistance (4)

    Wage/Benefits Garnishment Assistance


    Programs that provide legal assistance for people who have received a judgment in their favor and need to file for a writ of execution and attach the wages or benefits of the individual in order to obtain payment; and/or which help individuals who have had a judgment made against them ensure that the amount of money that is garnished does not exceed the limits established by federal law and that their rights are not violated.