
    Results: 66

  • Adult Diversion (5)

    Adult Diversion


    Community-based programs that provide individual and group counseling, educational services or other prescribed social services for adults who have been arrested for an offense such as drunkenness, domestic violence, drug crimes, traffic violations or purchase of sexual services and directed to participate in a corrective program in lieu of prosecution or, in some cases, sentencing for the offense.
  • Adult Parole (3)

    Adult Parole


    Programs that provide for the formal supervision of adults who have been released from jail, prison or other confinement after serving part of the term for which they were sentenced based on the judgment that there is a reasonable probability that they will live and remain at liberty without violating the law. Adults who are on parole remain in the legal custody of the state and may be reincarcerated if they violate the terms of their parole order.
  • Adult Protective Services (6)

    Adult Protective Services


    Social services programs that provide assistance for older adults, people with disabilities and other vulnerable individuals who are unable to act on their own behalf or manage their own affairs, or who are in immediate danger due to physical or emotional abuse, unsafe or hazardous living conditions, exploitation, neglect, self-neglect or abandonment. Included are APS programs that investigate cases of abuse, neglect or exploitation working closely with a wide variety of professionals including physicians, nurses, firefighters and law enforcement officers following receipt of a report from friends, neighbors or others concerned for their safety; and public and private guardianship/conservatorship programs that make provisions for people who have been judged to be incompetent by the court by assuming responsibility for the care and custody of the individuals and/or for the management of their estates.
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution (7)

    Alternative Dispute Resolution


    Programs that offer procedures for settling disputes which serve as alternatives to a conventional court trial. ADR procedures are less costly than litigation, produce a settlement more quickly, allow for more flexibility, preserve relationships among parties, permit confidentiality and can produce solutions that are satisfactory to both parties rather than a winner and a loser.
  • Child Abuse Prevention (11)

    Child Abuse Prevention


    Programs, often offered in the schools or in other community settings, that attempt to protect children from physical, sexual and/or emotional abuse or exploitation through a variety of educational interventions which may focus on children of various ages, parents, people who work with children and/or the community at large. The sessions may offer suggestions for children and/or parents regarding ways of avoiding or handling an abusive or potentially abusive situation and/or information about the indicators and incidence of abuse, requirements for reporting abuse and community resources that are available to children who have been abused and to their families.
  • Child Support Wage Assignment Assistance (4)

    Child Support Wage Assignment Assistance


    Programs that provide legal assistance for people who want to petition the court to transfer the right to collect wages earned by their ex-spouses to themselves in cases where the ex-spouse is under court order to pay child support and fails to pay as required. Under this arrangement, the amount of the child support check is taken from the delinquent parent's paycheck and sent directly to the parent who has custody of the child.
  • Community Legal Clinics (8)

    Community Legal Clinics


    Community based law clinics that provide legal advice and representation to individual clients and other groups in areas of law that affect low income individuals and disadvantaged communities, self advocacy support, and referrals to legal and other services. Most are small organizations that deliver legal services to particular neighborhoods or geographically defined communities, but some are specialty clinics that focus on children and youth, older adults, people with disabilities, injured workers and other specific populations. Typical areas of practice include housing, social assistance, income maintenance, pensions, workers compensation, unemployment insurance, human rights, education and various types of government programs and benefits. Many community legal clinics also engage in system advocacy with the objective of reforming existing laws, programs and practices; and community development activities. Included may be social justice organizations and law school legal clinics.
  • Consumer Law (3)

    Consumer Law


    Programs that provide assistance for people who have cases involving violations of federal and state statutes governing sales and credit practices involving consumer goods, in situations where appeals to consumer complaints organizations have not resolved the issue. Consumer law cases involve deceptive or unconscionable advertising and sales practices, product quality, credit financing and reporting, debt collection, leases, and other aspects of consumer transactions.
  • Contract Law (2)

    Contract Law


    Programs that provide assistance for people who need to settle a dispute or resolve a problem regarding the negotiation, interpretation or performance of a contract. A contract is a legal agreement between two or more people/organizations which creates an obligation to do (or refrain from doing a particular thing) and which specifies the terms and conditions under which that thing should be done.
  • Corporate/Business Law (1)

    Corporate/Business Law


    Programs that provide information and/or assistance for individuals and organizations who need advice regarding the establishment or operation of their corporation or who want to initiate or respond to litigation which pertains to the area of law governing corporate entities.
  • County Correctional Facilities (10)

    County Correctional Facilities


    County operated facilities that are used for the secure detention of people who have been charged with violating a state law or a municipal or local ordinance, up to and during the course of their trial, and which provide for the confinement, treatment, employment, training and discipline of people who have been convicted of a crime and sentenced by the courts to serve up to one year of imprisonment. Included are work camps and other county-operated facilities that are alternatives to traditional incarceration.
  • Court Ordered Victim Restitution Services (5)

    Court Ordered Victim Restitution Services


    Programs that oversee compliance with a court order, a condition of voluntary probation or an agreement in lieu of prosecution that an offender restore what a victim has lost (or the equivalent) as a result of a crime or act of delinquency. Staff may contact victims to determine loss amounts, investigate the offender's assets, help the victim present a restitution request to the appropriate authorities, report findings to the court, monitor payments of restitution and/or employ a variety of legally sanctioned methods (such as tax liens and judgment orders) to recover losses for victims in situations where the offender fails to make payments as agreed. In some jurisdictions, these programs collect restitution funds from offenders and make payments to the victim.
  • Courts (31)



    Federal and state judicial bodies whose function is to resolve disputes and dispense justice according to the principles of law and equity. Court processes involve interpreting the laws; presiding over encounters between the prosecution and defense in criminal matters and plaintiffs and defendants in civil matters; examining evidence and the credibility of witnesses; instructing juries; and determining liability and damages in civil matters and guilt or acquittal and sentencing in criminal matters. Courts also have the power to grant restraining orders, injunctions or other restrictions in appropriate circumstances.
  • Crime Prevention (75)

    Crime Prevention


    Programs that help individuals and the general public protect themselves against crime or prevent its occurrence.
  • Crime Reporting (70)

    Crime Reporting


    Programs that encourage the public to provide information, often anonymously, which might lead to the arrest, prosecution and conviction of people who have committed crimes. Included are special "tip" lines and crime reporting hotlines that have been established by law enforcement organizations, employers or community resources, but not law enforcement offices which take crime reports as a part of their everyday activities unless they have a special number for a particular type of report.
  • Crime Victim Support (21)

    Crime Victim Support


    Programs whose objective is to help victims of crimes and their families recover from the trauma of their experience, get medical assistance when required, make their way through the legal system, have an opportunity to provide input to parole or clemency hearings, take appropriate steps, where relevant, to avoid becoming re-victimized, access the benefits to which they are entitled and rebuild their lives.
  • Death Certification/Burial Arrangements (14)

    Death Certification/Burial Arrangements


    Programs that investigate and establish the cause of death in prescribed situations; help people dispose of the personal property of a family member or friend who has died; or provide funeral services and/or arrange for the shipping, interment, entombment, scattering or release of the remains of a person who has died.
  • Discrimination Assistance (18)

    Discrimination Assistance


    Programs that provide assistance for people who believe that they have been treated unfairly or denied normal privileges based on their age, gender, race or ethnic origin, nationality, religion, disability, sexual orientation or marital status.
  • Elder Abuse Prevention (1)

    Elder Abuse Prevention


    Programs that attempt to reduce the incidence of financial, emotional, physical and sexual abuse or intimidation of elderly people and dependent adults by members of their families or other caregivers through a variety of educational interventions which are aimed at the likely victims of abuse, potential perpetrators, people who work with families and/or the community at large.
  • Elder Law (13)

    Elder Law


    Programs that provide information and guidance for individuals who need assistance in the area of law which relates to the rights and needs of older adults, especially in the areas of age discrimination, consumer fraud, estate planning and management, living trusts, trust administration, probate, property law, retirement planning, pension benefits, Social Security benefits, Medicaid and Medicare, disability planning, long-term care alternatives, health care decisions, elder abuse, guardianships and conservatorships.
  • Estate Planning Assistance (12)

    Estate Planning Assistance


    Programs that offer a review of options and assistance to people who want to provide for the administration and/or protection of their assets during their lifetime, develop a plan for managing their finances in the event of a disabling illness, prepare binding instructions for the health care they wish to receive or avoid should they become terminally ill, make arrangements for the disposition of their assets with a minimum amount of taxation upon their death and provide for the administration of their estate should their spouse or other beneficiaries be incapable of managing their affairs. Estate planning provides an opportunity for individuals to make their wishes known and to name the person(s) who will be responsible for carrying out those directives. Tools available during the estate planning process include a Last Will and Testament, durable power of attorney for health care, durable financial power of attorney and a directive to physicians such as a living will, natural death directive or other state-recognized document. A revocable living trust may also be appropriate in some circumstances.
  • Ex-Offender Halfway Houses (1)

    Ex-Offender Halfway Houses


    Community-based programs that provide congregate living arrangements and a wide variety of counseling and supportive services for ex-offenders (also known as returning citizens) who recently have been released from a correctional facility but who require a gradual transition from that highly structured and supervised way of a life to a relatively free and normal existence in the community.
  • Ex-Offender Legal Assistance (8)

    Ex-Offender Legal Assistance


    Programs that provide legal assistance for people with a history of incarceration who need advice related to their status as ex-offenders (also known as returning or returned citizens).
  • Ex-Offender Reentry Programs (6)

    Ex-Offender Reentry Programs


    Programs that help people who have been released from a correctional facility (also known as returning citizens) make a successful transition to community life. Services generally include an assessment of the individual's needs, discussion of options and short-term case management involving coordination of needed services which may include housing location assistance, job training, job placement and retention services, legal assistance, literacy skills development, GED courses, parenting classes, life skills training, access to food and shelter resources, and other sources of support.
  • Family Law (32)

    Family Law


    Programs that provide assistance for people who are involved in disputes or legal actions which affect their domestic relationships.
  • Family Violence Prevention (3)

    Family Violence Prevention


    Programs that attempt to reduce the incidence of child abuse, elder abuse and spouse abuse in family settings through a variety of educational interventions which may focus on children of various ages, parents, people who work with families and/or the community at large.
  • Gang Programs (4)

    Gang Programs


    Programs offered by community and law enforcement agencies that attempt to reduce the incidence of gang violence by providing counseling, recreational activities and other preventive alternatives; and/or by establishing direct contact with gang members, mediating intergang disputes, facilitating intergang communication and mobilizing the community to support gangs in finding nonviolent ways to reconcile their differences.
  • General Legal Aid (16)

    General Legal Aid


    Programs that provide legal counseling and/or representation for low-income individuals who need assistance in routine legal matters, usually in the area of bankruptcy, housing, public benefits, family law, elder law or immigration/naturalization.
  • General Purpose Fingerprinting (1)

    General Purpose Fingerprinting


    Programs that provide sets of fingerprints for any purpose including for individuals who simply want to have an additional means of personal identification. The images may be collected by a variety of means including use of ink to record fingerprint images on a standard fingerprint card and use of live scanning equipment to record and store fingerprint images electronically.
  • Group Advocacy (4)

    Group Advocacy


    Programs that intervene on behalf of groups of people who have a common grievance against a public or private service provider or who believe that their rights have been violated, and which attempt to reach an equitable settlement without resorting to litigation.
  • Immigration/Naturalization Adjudication Offices (3)

    Immigration/Naturalization Adjudication Offices


    Organizations that administer the immigration and naturalization laws which relate to the admission of aliens, adjustment of status to lawful permanent residence, extension or change of nonimmigrant status, removal of aliens and naturalization of non-citizens; which provide information and guidance for people who want to permission to enter the United States; and/or which help interested parties become naturalized U.S. citizens.
  • Immigration/Naturalization Adjudication Services (5)

    Immigration/Naturalization Adjudication Services


    Programs that accept and make administrative decisions regarding immigration petitions and naturalization applications submitted by immigrants, nonimmigrant visa applicants, asylum seekers and lawful permanent residents who are seeking naturalization.
  • Immigration/Naturalization Legal Services (34)

    Immigration/Naturalization Legal Services


    Programs that provide legal assistance for immigrants, nonimmigrant visa applicants, asylum seekers and lawful permanent residents who are seeking naturalization. Services are generally provided by nonprofit immigration law offices and may involve information and consultation about benefits under immigration law including procedures for obtaining student, visitor and employment-based visas; family immigration; asylee status; lawful permanent residence status; or citizenship.
  • Individual Advocacy (18)

    Individual Advocacy


    Programs that intercede on behalf of individuals to help them establish eligibility for or obtain needed services when they have been denied benefits or services for which they are eligible, when they need assistance to communicate their needs to a service provider or to otherwise effectively represent themselves, or when they have a complaint about a service. Individual advocacy attempts to reach equitable settlements without resorting to litigation and seeks to meet individual needs without attempting to change social institutions.
  • Insurance Law (12)

    Insurance Law


    Programs that provide assistance for people who want to appeal the denial of automobile, health, homeowners, renters or life insurance or cutbacks in insurance benefits; who need to file an insurance claim; or who need to initiate or respond to litigation regarding the settlement of an insurance claim.
  • Intermittent Sentencing/Work Furlough Programs (8)

    Intermittent Sentencing/Work Furlough Programs


    Correctional programs that provide a partial alternative to total incarceration by allowing qualifying inmates to leave the institution for the purpose of continuing regular employment during the daytime, but requiring that they return to the institution nights and/or weekends. Also included are programs that provide an alternative sentencing option (intermittent sentencing) which allows adult or juvenile offenders to live at home and attend work or school during the week but spend their weekends (or other free time) participating in community work projects or completing a sentence in jail. These penalties, which place the offender in a probation situation during time spent outside the correctional facility, provide the public with a sense of punishment and the offender with a "lock-up" experience without isolating him or her with consequent job loss, breakdown of family ties and other problems.
  • Judicial Services (29)

    Judicial Services


    Programs within the court system or which operate in cooperation with the courts that carry out the administrative functions required for handling the disposition of people who have been accused of a crime prior to trial; and the indictment, arraignment, trial and sentencing of people who have been arrested and charged with a crime.
  • Juvenile Detention Facilities (3)

    Juvenile Detention Facilities


    Facilities that provide for the detention of minors who have been arrested for violating a federal or state law or a municipal or local ordinance pending a court hearing or release; and/or which provide for the confinement, treatment, employment, training and discipline of juveniles convicted of a criminal offense and sentenced by Youth or Juvenile Court to serve a period of time in a juvenile detention facility which may include juvenile hall, juvenile probation camp or a state reformatory site.
  • Juvenile Diversion (8)

    Juvenile Diversion


    Community-based programs that provide comprehensive social services for individuals younger than age 18 who have committed a minor offense and are directed to participate in a diversion program as an alternative to arrest, prosecution or, in some cases, sentencing for the offense. Most juvenile diversion programs do an assessment of the individual's needs and provide and/or coordinate the delivery of the necessary services which may include individual, group or family counseling, substance abuse counseling, supervised recreational activities, vocational guidance, tutorial services and supplemental referrals for other needs.
  • Juvenile Probation (6)

    Juvenile Probation


    Programs that provide formal supervision and support for young men and women who have been convicted of an offense and released into the community under the supervision of a probation officer, usually in lieu of incarceration. The individual must agree to standards of conduct specified by the court for a set amount of time, usually for one year. Violations of the agreement subject the individual to revocation of his or her liberty.
  • Labor and Employment Law (6)

    Labor and Employment Law


    Programs that provide legal assistance for people who want to establish employment practices for their organization that will minimize or eliminate problems in the employment area or who need to resolve a dispute or initiate or respond to litigation which relates to their role as employers or employees, their rights and obligations. Labor and employment law deals with a variety of issues including ADA compliance, wage and hour compliance, workplace health and safety, interview and hiring practices, employee contracts, employee benefits, maternity/paternity leaves, medical leaves, supervision and discipline, workplace privacy, workplace violence, sexual harassment, wrongful termination, and worker's compensation cases as well as protection from a range of employer-committed crimes including wage theft, deliberate worker misclassification, evasion of unemployment and workers' compensation laws, labor trafficking, defamation including false statements by an employer during or after the firing process, violation of state laws related to whistleblower protections or other relevant statutes.
  • Landlord/Tenant Assistance (26)

    Landlord/Tenant Assistance


    Programs that provide assistance, information and support for tenants and/or landlords who are involved in rental housing disputes; or which administer state laws or local ordinances which govern rent control and other aspects of tenant/landlord relations.
  • Law Enforcement Agencies (70)

    Law Enforcement Agencies


    City, county, state or federal government agencies or university departments that are responsible for preserving peace, protecting life and property, preventing and detecting crime and apprehending and arresting suspects. Also included are special purpose public police forces that have full peace officer powers but only within limited jurisdictions, e.g., public parks, public transit facilities, public housing projects, local school district campuses.
  • Lawyer Referral Services (6)

    Lawyer Referral Services


    Programs that maintain lists of private attorneys and link people who need legal assistance with lawyers who specialize in the required area of law.
  • Legal Counseling (49)

    Legal Counseling


    Programs that are staffed by lawyers who offer information and guidance regarding legal matters, proposed lines of conduct, claims or contentions including opinions on the party's rights, responsibilities and liabilities; and who offer suggestions for an appropriate course of action, but do not represent clients in court.
  • Legal Representation (46)

    Legal Representation


    Programs that are staffed by lawyers who appear on behalf of their clients in criminal, civil and/or administrative actions and proceedings in addition to offering legal advice and guidance.
  • Legislative Advocacy (1)

    Legislative Advocacy


    Programs that attempt to influence the introduction or review of pending bills, ordinances or administrative rulings with the objective of having an impact on the passage or defeat of such legislation or its content.
  • Military Law (2)

    Military Law


    Programs that provide assistance for people who are employed by any of the branches of the armed forces and have committed an offense which brings them under the jurisdiction of the military courts.
  • Name Change Assistance (4)

    Name Change Assistance


    Programs that provide assistance for people who want to file a petition to legally change their name.
  • Native American/Tribal Law (1)

    Native American/Tribal Law


    Programs that provide assistance for Native Americans who need legal advice or representation regarding federal recognition, treaty rights, fishing and hunting rights, environmental protection, reservation boundaries, land acquisition, land and water rights, Native American gaming, housing, health, taxation or jurisdictional questions. Attorneys who practice in this area are concerned with the treaties, statutes, executive orders, court decisions and administrative actions that define the relationship among the United States, Native American tribes and individuals, and the states. Native American law attorneys are found in federal government bodies such as the Bureau of Indian Affairs and The Indian Claims Commission, which hears and determines claims against the United States on behalf of any Native American tribe. Private law firms also have lawyers who specialize in matters relating to Native American lands and reservations, tribal rights and other legal issues affecting Native Americans. Specific Native American tribes, which are recognized as sovereign entities with the power to regulate their internal and social organization, have lawyers who may be members of the tribe themselves, and/or lawyers who are hired as "general counsel" to handle the legal affairs of their tribe. Public service agencies also serve the Native American community with lawyers who specialize in the Indian Child Welfare Act, and others who serve children, people who are elderly, or indigent members of the Native American community.
  • Notary Public Services (9)

    Notary Public Services


    Public officials who are authorized by the state to administer oaths and affirmations, take affidavits and depositions, attest to the authenticity of signatures and take acknowledgment of and certify deeds and other conveyances.
  • Patient Rights Assistance (10)

    Patient Rights Assistance


    Programs that provide information, education, advocacy and/or other forms of legal assistance which relate to the rights of people who are patients in a health or mental health care facility, who are residents of convalescent or other long or short-term care facilities including adult residential care homes, or who are incapacitated and are being cared for at home by family members. Services may also be available to significant others of these individuals.
  • Probate Assistance (9)

    Probate Assistance


    Programs that provide assistance for people who are involved in proceedings that deal with the establishment of decedents' wills, the settlement of decedents' estates or the appointment of a guardian or conservator for adults or children who are unable to manage their own affairs.
  • Protective/Restraining Orders (18)

    Protective/Restraining Orders


    Programs that provide assistance for people who need to obtain legal protection to prevent harassment, stalking or violence in situations involving child abuse, domestic abuse, elder abuse, abduction, sexual assault, stalking or other forms of harassment or the threat of workplace violence. Depending on the situation, a person may have more than one type of order. Restraining and personal protection order laws vary from one jurisdiction to another but all establish who can file for an order, what protection or relief a person can get from such an order and how the order will be enforced. The court will order the adverse party to refrain from certain actions and/or require compliance with certain provisions. Failure to comply is a violation of the order which can result in the arrest and prosecution of the offender. Violations in some jurisdictions may also constitute criminal or civil contempt of court.
  • Real Estate Law (2)

    Real Estate Law


    Programs that provide assistance for people who want to purchase or sell a home or other property and/or who need to resolve a dispute or initiate or respond to litigation arising from the purchase or sale of real estate.
  • Records/Licenses/Permits (78)



    Programs that issue written personal permits to engage in activities that are regulated by government authority or which maintain and, where appropriate, provide access to documents which authenticate the occurrence of specific transactions, proceedings or events. Also included are programs that evaluate records, licenses or permits issued by foreign authorities and produce written certification of equivalency to U.S. standards.
  • Records/Licenses/Permits Fee Payment Assistance (12)

    Records/Licenses/Permits Fee Payment Assistance


    Programs that provide financial assistance to help people pay for records, licenses, permits and other required documents in situations where they cannot otherwise afford them.
  • School System Advocacy (8)

    School System Advocacy


    Programs that assist families in their interactions with the school system which may include help with school registration, enrollment of children in special programs, intervention on behalf of students facing disciplinary action or expulsion and other activities which facilitate communication between families and school staff.
  • Self Representation Assistance (7)

    Self Representation Assistance


    Programs that train people to represent themselves in court when initiating or responding to a specific type of civil litigation.
  • Sexual Assault Prevention (3)

    Sexual Assault Prevention


    Programs that help people who may be vulnerable to rape, molestation or other forms of sexual assault become aware of the general precautions that can be taken to reduce the risk of becoming a victim, and the alternatives for handling the situation should they be approached or attacked.
  • Small Claims Advisory Programs (5)

    Small Claims Advisory Programs


    Programs that provide information and guidance for people who will be representing themselves in small claims court and need to understand the court procedures and develop a plan for the presentation of their case. Small claims advisors help litigants with issues such as finding the right court, serving court documents, case preparation, paying and collecting judgments, and appeals.
  • Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention (4)

    Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention


    Programs that attempt to reduce the incidence of physical, emotional and sexual abuse of individuals by their spouses or partners through a variety of educational interventions which may focus on the likely victims of abuse, potential perpetrators, people who work with families and/or the community at large.
  • State Prisons (1)

    State Prisons


    State-operated facilities that provide for the confinement, treatment, employment, training and discipline of people who have been convicted of violating a state law or a municipal or local ordinance and sentenced by the courts to serve more than one year of imprisonment.
  • System Advocacy (8)

    System Advocacy


    Programs that seek changes in community conditions, structures or institutions when modifications in the service delivery system as a whole are required to ensure the adequate availability of essential community services, to contribute to human growth and development and to prevent unwitting support of conditions which are injurious to individuals and families who are residents. The objective of system advocacy is to make changes that are required to benefit the community as a whole rather than focusing on the needs of a particular individual, family or group of residents.
  • Unclaimed Property Assistance (1)

    Unclaimed Property Assistance


    Programs that take custody and dispose of property of people who die intestate without known heirs and property, including bank accounts with no recent activity and uncashed checks, that is unclaimed or abandoned. Also included are organizations that attempt to locate owners of abandoned property or that help owners file claims to take possession of property to which they are entitled.
  • Welfare Rights Assistance (8)

    Welfare Rights Assistance


    Programs that provide assistance for prospective or current public financial assistance recipients who are having difficulty understanding and/or obtaining the full benefits to which they are entitled by law under various income support entitlement programs. The programs may help people understand the eligibility criteria for benefits, how much they can work without affecting their benefits (for some programs), the benefits provided by the program, the payment process and the rights of beneficiaries; provide consultation and advice; help them complete benefits application forms; negotiate on their behalf with public assistance benefits staff; and/or represent them in administrative hearings or judicial litigation. Included are welfare rights organizations that offer a range of advocacy services as well as legal aid programs that offer more formalized legal assistance. Entitlement programs include (but are not limited to) General Relief (GR), Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), Food Stamps/SNAP, Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI).