General Health Services

    Results: 159

  • Abortion Services (17)

    Abortion Services


    Programs that provide access to pregnancy termination services for individuals who want to avoid an unplanned or unwanted birth.
  • Abuse Counseling (27)

    Abuse Counseling


    Programs that provide individual, conjoint, family or group treatment for people who are experiencing physical, sexual, emotional and/or other forms of abuse in the context a marital, parental, sibling or other family relationship or, in some instances, outside the family. Included are programs that provide therapeutic interventions for perpetrators and/or for individuals who have been victimized.
  • Adolescent Psychiatric Inpatient Units (2)

    Adolescent Psychiatric Inpatient Units


    Programs offered in special units of general acute care hospitals that provide diagnostic and treatment services for adolescents, usually age 12 or 13 through 17 who have acute psychiatric disorders, require hospitalization for maximum benefit, and who may be a threat to themselves, to their families or to others if left in the community or placed in a less restrictive treatment setting. Services may include a comprehensive evaluation; 24-hour care in a supportive, therapeutic environment; counseling for the patient and family; adjunctive therapies as needed; medication, if required; and an aftercare program following discharge.
  • Adolescent/Youth Counseling (43)

    Adolescent/Youth Counseling


    Programs that specialize in the treatment of adolescents, usually age 12 or 13 through 17, who have adjustment problems, behavior problems, emotional disturbance, a personality disorder or incipient mental illness. The programs may help youth troubled by low self-esteem, social isolation, peer pressure, bullying, school performance issues, truancy, anger management issues, family problems, grief and loss, sexual promiscuity, sexually transmitted infection, alcohol or drug addiction, eating disorders, oppositional and defiant behaviors, depression and anxiety, suicidal thoughts or other difficult issues.
  • Adult Psychiatric Hospitals (4)

    Adult Psychiatric Hospitals


    Institutions whose primary function is to provide diagnostic and long or short-term treatment services for adults, including older adults, who have acute psychiatric disorders, require hospitalization for maximum benefit, and who may be a threat to themselves, to their families or to others if left in the community or placed in a less restrictive treatment setting. Services may include a comprehensive evaluation; 24-hour care in a supportive, therapeutic environment; counseling for the patient and family; adjunctive therapies, as needed; medication, if required; and an aftercare program following discharge.
  • Adult Psychiatric Inpatient Units (10)

    Adult Psychiatric Inpatient Units


    Programs offered in special units of general acute care hospitals that provide diagnostic and treatment services for adults who have acute psychiatric disorders, require hospitalization for maximum benefit, and who may be a threat to themselves, to their families or to others if left in the community or placed in a less restrictive treatment setting. Services may include a comprehensive evaluation; 24-hour care in a supportive, therapeutic environment; counseling for the patient and family; adjunctive therapies as needed; medication, if required; and an aftercare program following discharge.
  • Adult Residential Treatment Facilities (4)

    Adult Residential Treatment Facilities


    Programs that provide a treatment-oriented living experience in a community-based facility for adults who have emotional disturbances and who, because of their disabilities, are unable to succeed in other placements, but who do not require inpatient psychiatric hospitalization. The service is geared to the specific needs of individual residents and their eventual return to the community as soon as their personal and social adjustment and development permit.
  • Alternative Medicine (8)

    Alternative Medicine


    Programs that offer health care and treatment procedures that fall outside the mainstream of conventional medical practice. Most alternative approaches provide preventive care in addition to treatment of established conditions, define health as more than just the absence of disease, focus on natural healing as the treatment of choice, avoid invasive procedures to the extent possible, and approach individuals holistically dealing with their mental, emotional and spiritual needs in addition to the physical body. Many have their origins in the medical systems of non-Western cultures or in ancient healing traditions. Some alternative therapies are used instead of traditional Western "biomedical" procedures; others are complementary, used in addition to conventional care.
  • Anatomical Gifts (7)

    Anatomical Gifts


    Programs that acquire and store blood, body organs and other body fluids and tissues for use by other individuals; which accept donated cadavers for research and/or teaching purposes; or which provide organ donor cards.
  • Anger Management (29)

    Anger Management


    Programs that provide educational and/or therapeutic opportunities for people who are interested in or who need to learn how to deal with their anger in a positive, functional way. Participants may include people who internalize their anger as well as those who act it out verbally or in behavior toward friends, family, children, employers or other people in their lives. Included are court-ordered and voluntary programs for people who are involved in domestic violence or child abuse as well as general workshops for people who are uncomfortable with the way they express their anger.
  • Behavioral Learning Therapy (27)

    Behavioral Learning Therapy


    Programs that specialize in providing therapeutic interventions that are based on the principle that most disorders are learned ways of behaving that are maladaptive and consequently can be best modified in more adaptive directions through relearning. Treatment focuses directly on modifying the individual's troublesome behaviors without reference to introspection, mental processes and contents, or analysis of the origins of the problem.
  • Bereavement and Grief Counseling (11)

    Bereavement and Grief Counseling


    Programs that provide emotional support, problem-solving assistance, information and guidance for people who have recently experienced a loss, such as the death of a loved one, divorce or separation. Included are counseling programs for widows and widowers, children who have lost a parent, parents who have lost a child and people who are in other similar situations.
  • Birth Control (104)

    Birth Control


    Programs that provide permanent or temporary measures by which an individual can prevent conception.
  • Blood Pressure Screening (105)

    Blood Pressure Screening


    Programs that measure the pressure existing in the large arteries at the height of a pulse wave and identify individuals whose blood pressure is higher than normal, and who are thereby susceptible to strokes and other conditions that are related to hypertension.
  • BMI/Body Composition Screening (2)

    BMI/Body Composition Screening


    Programs that evaluate an individual's height, weight and body composition as a means of assessing overall health and fitness. Included are programs that calculate a person's Body Mass Index (BMI), a figure that is based on the weight (in kilograms) divided by the height (in meters) squared and interpreted using a table which shows value ranges for people who are underweight, have normal weight or are overweight; and those that look at the individual's body weight in terms of percentage of body fat, lean body mass (including organs, muscle and bone) and percentage of body water. Personalized recommendations for nutrition and exercise may also be provided for people with underdeveloped musculature or excessive body fat. These tests may be provided as components of nutrition assessment and prescription services or physical fitness assessment programs, but are often available as separate screenings.
  • Cancer Detection (119)

    Cancer Detection


    Programs that offer any of a variety of tests which are used to identify people who have some form of cancer which, if caught in an early stage, may be treated with a higher probability of success.
  • Centers for Independent Living (3)

    Centers for Independent Living


    Consumer controlled, community based, cross disability, nonresidential agencies designed and operated within a local community by individuals with disabilities that provide an array of independent living services. All CILs provide five core services: information and referral, independent living skills training, peer counseling, individual and systems advocacy and transition. In addition, many CILs also offer transportation services, mobility training, personal assistance, housing and home modifications, recreation services, vocational programs, assistance in obtaining assistive technology equipment and other individualized services designed to increase and maintain independence.
  • Chemotherapy/Radiation Therapy (1)

    Chemotherapy/Radiation Therapy


    Programs that treat people who have a particular illness or condition through the application of chemical reagents which have a specific and toxic effect upon the disease-causing organism, or through the use of radioactive substances including radioactive isotopes and ionizing radiation to kill diseased cells. Included are radioactive implants, x-ray radiation therapy and supervoltage and megavoltage treatments with specialized equipment including cobalt units, linear accelerators with or without electron team therapy capability, betatrons and van de Graff machines.
  • Child Abuse Medical Evaluations (1)

    Child Abuse Medical Evaluations


    Hospitals and clinics with multidisciplinary teams that conduct historical interviews and physical examinations of children to determine whether there are injuries or other forms of physical evidence that are consistent with neglect, emotional deprivation/failure to thrive, or physical or sexual abuse that constitute the battered child syndrome. Historical information supplied by the child in the medical interview may be used to establish a case for child abuse even in the absence of physical evidence.
  • Child Guidance (16)

    Child Guidance


    Programs that specialize in the treatment of children from infancy to age 12 who have adjustment problems, behavior problems, emotional disturbances, a personality disorder or incipient mental illness.
  • Child/Adolescent Residential Treatment Facilities (7)

    Child/Adolescent Residential Treatment Facilities


    Programs that provide a therapeutic living environment in a community-based facility for emotionally disturbed, severely learning disabled, delinquent, pre-delinquent and/or abused children and youth who, because of the severity of their problems, are unable to adjust to other placements but do not require inpatient psychiatric hospitalization. Services include crisis stabilization, initial and continuing bio-psychosocial assessment, care management, medication management, therapy and mobilization of family support and community resources in the context of a comprehensive multidisciplinary treatment plan. Residents often attend on-grounds schools or public special education classes and receive services that are geared to their individual needs and the goal of returning to their own or their foster families.
  • Children's Psychiatric Inpatient Units (4)

    Children's Psychiatric Inpatient Units


    Programs offered in special units of general acute care hospitals that provide diagnostic and treatment services for children from infancy through age 12 who have acute psychiatric disorders, require hospitalization for maximum benefit, and who may be a threat to themselves, to their families or to others if left in the community or placed in a less restrictive treatment setting. Services may include a comprehensive evaluation; 24-hour care in a supportive, therapeutic environment; counseling for the patient and family; adjunctive therapies as needed; medication, if required; and an aftercare program following discharge.
  • Children's/Adolescent Psychiatric Hospitals (2)

    Children's/Adolescent Psychiatric Hospitals


    Institutions whose primary function is to provide diagnostic and long or short-term treatment services for children and adolescents from infancy through age 17 who have acute psychiatric disorders, require hospitalization for maximum benefit, and who may be a threat to themselves, to their families or to others if left in the community or placed in a less restrictive treatment setting. Services may include a comprehensive evaluation; 24-hour care in a supportive, therapeutic environment; counseling for the patient and family; adjunctive therapies, as needed; medication, if required; and an aftercare program following discharge.
  • Chiropractic (8)



    Programs that are based on the premise that optimum health is dependent on the degree to which the nervous system is operating efficiently and that dysfunction and disease are often caused by misalignments of the vertebrae which place pressure on nerve tissue and interfere with the conduction of nerve impulses to other parts of the body. Chiropractic treatment involves manipulation of the vertebrae to release pressure on the nervous tissue and restore the normal function of the nervous system.
  • Cholesterol/Triglycerides Tests (88)

    Cholesterol/Triglycerides Tests


    Programs that examine the type and level of fatty substances in the blood as an early indication of coronary heart disease. Cholesterol is a soft, waxy substance found among the lipids (fats) in the bloodstream and in all body's cells. It is an important part of a healthy body because it is used to form cell membranes, some hormones and is needed for other functions. Cholesterol and other fats cannot dissolve in the blood. They have to be transported to and from the cells by special carriers called lipoproteins including low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL). High levels of LDL cholesterol can build up in the walls of the arteries that feed the heart and the brain and form plaque, a thick hard substance that can clog the arteries. HDL tends to carry cholesterol away from the arteries back to the liver where it is passed from the body. Triglycerides are the chemical form in which most fat exists in food as well as in the body. They are also present in blood plasma and, in association with cholesterol, form the plasma lipids.
  • Clinical Psychiatric Evaluation (25)

    Clinical Psychiatric Evaluation


    Programs that utilize a variety of means to evaluate the mental or emotional status or functioning of people who may be experiencing acute or chronic disturbances. Diagnostic techniques may include observation of the person's behavior, interviews with the individual and significant others, psychological testing as indicated, medical examination, assessment for psychotropic or other medication, and the formulation of an appropriate, ongoing treatment plan which may include voluntary or involuntary hospitalization.
  • Clinical Trials (16)

    Clinical Trials


    Observational and interventional research studies conducted with human volunteers that seek answers to specific questions that relate to the causes, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and/or management of diseases, disabilities or other related conditions. Clinical trials may be conducted by government health agencies, researchers affiliated with a hospital or university medical program, independent researchers or private industry; and test the efficacy of new drugs, new combinations of existing drugs, new dose schedules and routes of administration, and new ways of integrating multiple treatment modalities. They may also assess new screening tests, evaluate the application of new diagnostic tests in choosing treatment regimens, evaluate supportive care methods, test the safety and effectiveness of medical devices, teach lifestyle changes or investigate options for improving the quality of life for people who have serious medical conditions. Clinical trials are conducted according to a protocol which describes the types of patients who may enter the study, schedules of tests and procedures, drugs, dosages, and length of study, as well as the outcomes that will be measured. For some patients, clinical research trials represent an avenue for receiving promising new therapies that would not otherwise be available. Included are programs that maintain lists of currently available clinical trials and refer patients who want to become volunteers as well as the research projects themselves.
  • Community Clinics (159)

    Community Clinics


    Consumer-based, community-controlled, nonprofit outpatient facilities that provide basic health care including physical examinations, immunizations, family planning, nutrition assistance and diagnosis and treatment of common ailments for low income people, people who are homeless or uninsured/underinsured or other medically underserved populations that are geographically, economically and culturally challenged. Services are generally provided on an ability-to-pay basis. In the U.S., most community clinics are part of the network of Federally Qualified Health Centers, and many are known as "free clinics".
  • Community Mental Health Agencies (73)

    Community Mental Health Agencies


    Community-based outpatient facilities that offer individual, group, conjoint and family counseling, therapy groups, medication and other mental health services for community residents, especially those who are indigent, who have acute or chronic psychiatric disorders or who may be experiencing difficulty resolving personal or interpersonal conflicts or making personal adjustments to stressful life situations such as separation, divorce, loss of a spouse or a child, poor health, unemployment, family violence, delinquency or substance abuse. Included may be city and county-operated and nonprofit facilities.
  • Condition Specific Rehabilitation Services (10)

    Condition Specific Rehabilitation Services


    Programs that provide comprehensive rehabilitation services that help people who have specific types of injuries or other impairments to achieve their maximum level of functioning.
  • Condition Specific Treatment (117)

    Condition Specific Treatment


    Programs that provide comprehensive medical and/or surgical services on an inpatient or outpatient basis for people who have a targeted disease, condition or disorder.
  • Conjoint Counseling (31)

    Conjoint Counseling


    Programs that offer therapeutic sessions to help two individuals who are having a problem with their interpersonal relationship identify and resolve their differences and improve their communication. The therapist focuses primarily on their interaction with one another rather than on each person as an individual. Included are couple counseling, sibling counseling, parent/child counseling and other similar groupings.
  • Crime Victim/Witness Counseling (2)

    Crime Victim/Witness Counseling


    Programs that provide emotional support, information and guidance in a variety of settings for individuals and families who are attempting to deal with their fears, their feelings of being violated and other negative aftereffects of being burglarized, robbed, assaulted or otherwise victimized. Also included are programs that provide counseling for people who have been traumatized by witnessing an act of violence.
  • Crisis Intervention (96)

    Crisis Intervention


    Programs that provide immediate assistance for people who are in acute emotional distress; who are or perceive themselves to be in life-threatening situations; who are a danger to themselves or to others; or who are hysterical, frightened or otherwise unable to cope with a problem that requires immediate action. The objective of crisis intervention is to defuse the critical nature of the situation, ensure the person's safety, and return the individual to a state of equilibrium in which he or she is capable of identifying and seeking solutions to the problem.
  • Day Treatment for Adults With Developmental Disabilities (4)

    Day Treatment for Adults With Developmental Disabilities


    Programs that provide diagnostic, treatment and habilitative services for adults with developmental disabilities. The programs may be available on a full or part day basis; focus on self-care, socialization, communication, independent living, functional academics and prevocational skills to maximize independence; and include speech and language therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, nutritional services, psychological services and other clinical services as needed.
  • Dementia (16)



    An acquired reduction in mental capacity that is characterized by impairment of memory, judgment and intellectual functioning which is often accompanied by behavioral disturbances.
  • Dementia Evaluation (1)

    Dementia Evaluation


    Programs that offer a variety of tests to establish the presence of Alzheimer's disease, Pick's disease or other conditions which involve loss of memory, deterioration of intellectual functioning, disorientation and other similar symptoms.
  • Dental Care (107)

    Dental Care


    Programs that specialize in the care of the teeth and associated structures in the oral cavity including the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the teeth and gums.
  • Dental Screening (33)

    Dental Screening


    Programs that provide dental examinations to detect tooth decay and periodontal problems, and oral hygiene information; but which refer out for cleaning, fillings, extractions and other necessary dental care.
  • Diabetes (28)



    A disorder in which the pancreas produces too little insulin with the result that the body is unable to adequately metabolize sugar. Principal symptoms are elevated blood sugar, sugar in the urine, excessive urine production and increased food intake. Complications of diabetes if left untreated include low resistance to infections leading to a susceptibility to gangrene, cardiovascular and kidney disorders, disturbances in the electrolyte balance and eye disorders, some of which may lead to blindness.
  • Diabetes Screening (101)

    Diabetes Screening


    Programs that administer tests which determine whether an individual has diabetes, a disorder in which the pancreas produces too little insulin with the result that the body in unable to adequately metabolize sugar.
  • Diagnostic Imaging/Radiology (5)

    Diagnostic Imaging/Radiology


    Programs that offer the specialty in which all modalities of radiant energy are used for the detection of abnormalities throughout the body, often following the ingestion or injection of a radioactive or radiopaque substance that functions as a contrast medium. This includes but is not limited to imaging techniques and methodologies utilizing radiation emitted by x-ray tubes, radionuclides, thermagraphic devices, ultrasonic devices and radio-frequency electromagnetic radiation emitted by atoms.
  • Disease Prevention Programs (7)

    Disease Prevention Programs


    Programs that help people who have a family history or other risk factors associated with a chronic disease such as heart disease and stroke, cancer and diabetes make lifestyle or other changes that can prevent the disease or limit the initial onset. In addition to health promotion activities that encourage healthy living, prevention also embraces early detection efforts, including screening at-risk populations, as well as strong community-clinical linkages to help ensure that people at high risk of chronic diseases have access to community resources and support to prevent, delay or manage chronic conditions once they occur. Some programs may provide preventive care interventions for people who have a broader array of health concerns.
  • Divorce Counseling (2)

    Divorce Counseling


    Programs that provide emotional support, information and guidance in a variety of settings for individuals who are divorced or have decided to divorce or separate, and for their families.
  • Domestic Violence Hotlines (11)

    Domestic Violence Hotlines


    Programs that provide immediate assistance for women and men who have experienced domestic abuse which may include steps to ensure the person's safety; short-term emotional support; assistance with shelter; legal information and advocacy; referrals for medical treatment; ongoing counseling and/or group support; and other related services. Hotline staff are generally available via telephone, email, chat and/or text.
  • Eating Disorders Treatment (6)

    Eating Disorders Treatment


    Multidisciplinary programs, often offered on an inpatient basis with post-discharge outpatient therapy, that provide comprehensive diagnostic and treatment services for individuals who have anorexia nervosa, binge-eating disorder, bulimia or a related eating disorder. Treatment depends on the specific type of eating disorder involved but typically involves psychotherapy, nutrition education, family counseling, medication and hospitalization, if required, to stabilize the patient's health.
  • Emergency Medical Care (45)

    Emergency Medical Care


    Programs that provide immediate short-term assistance for accident victims and acutely ill or injured individuals who are in pain, or whose health or lives may be in jeopardy.
  • Eye Care (7)

    Eye Care


    Programs that are concerned with maintaining or improving the health of the eyes and their appropriate functioning as the organs of sight.
  • Eye Examinations (27)

    Eye Examinations


    Programs that conduct a series of tests which measure an individual's visual acuity, identify refractive errors that cause poor vision and check for eye diseases such as glaucoma; and prescribe corrective lenses in situations where there are vision problems. Eye examinations are offered by optometrists and ophthalmologists and are usually available through mobile eye clinics.
  • Eye Screening (10)

    Eye Screening


    Programs that offer screening procedures that identify people who have targeted eye diseases or vision deficiencies that may require further examination.
  • Family and Community Medicine (24)

    Family and Community Medicine


    Programs that are staffed by specialists in the field of medicine that is concerned with the total health of the individual within the home environment and in the community. Practitioners of family and community medicine provide comprehensive medical care including preventive services with particular emphasis on the family unit, in which the physician's continuing responsibility for health care is not limited by the patient's age or gender, nor by a particular organ system or disease entity.
  • Family Counseling (82)

    Family Counseling


    Programs that offer therapeutic sessions that focus on the system of relationships and communication patterns among family members and which attempt to modify those relationships and patterns to achieve greater harmony. The therapist focuses on the family as a unit rather than concentrating on one of the members who is singled out as the person in need of treatment.
  • Family Counseling Agencies (3)

    Family Counseling Agencies


    Outpatient facilities that offer a variety of counseling services for individuals, couples, families and extended family groups who may be experiencing difficulty resolving personal or interpersonal conflicts or making personal adjustments to stressful life situations such as separation, divorce, widowhood, loss of a child, poor health, unemployment, family violence, delinquency or substance abuse.
  • Foot Screening (6)

    Foot Screening


    Programs that evaluate an individual's feet to detect deformities, corns, calluses, bunions, heel spurs, hammertoes, neuromas, plantar warts, ingrown toenails, fungal infections, lesions, areas with loss of sensation or other foot problems. Some foot screenings focus specifically on people with diabetes who often have problems with the nerves and circulation in their feet which can lead to wounds and, in severe cases, amputations, but many are open to all.
  • Gambling Addiction Counseling (1)

    Gambling Addiction Counseling


    Programs that provide emotional support, information and guidance for people who are having difficulty controlling their compulsion to gamble, and for their families. Some programs may include a financial counseling and/or management component which helps individuals deal with issues related to their spending and accumulated debt.
  • General Health Education Programs (88)

    General Health Education Programs


    Programs that provide information that helps the public make choices which promote personal health, prevent illness and disability, take advantage of opportunities for early detection, and support their ability to deal effectively with health problems when they arise. General health education programs provide information about a wide variety of health related topics rather than specializing in a particular area.
  • General Laboratory Tests (6)

    General Laboratory Tests


    Programs that perform a laboratory analysis of body fluids and tissue to determine the presence of irregularities or to identify unknown substances submitted for analysis.
  • General Medical Care (113)

    General Medical Care


    Routine health care provided by internists, pediatricians, family medicine specialists, gynecologists, obstetricians, nurse practitioners, midwives, physicians' assistants or other health care providers who serve as the first point of contact with the health care system. Services focus on the prevention and early detection of health problems through regular physical examinations, blood pressure checks, mammograms and other similar procedures as well as therapeutic services for people who do not require specialty care.
  • Genetic Counseling (2)

    Genetic Counseling


    Programs that apply what is known about human genetics to advise prospective parents who are concerned about the recurrence of hereditary problems or abnormalities in their offspring or for others (adults and children) who may be at risk for a variety of inherited conditions and need information about their own prospects for health. Genetic counseling is also routinely offered to individuals, usually age 35 and older, who are considering a first pregnancy. Genetic counselors identify families at risk, investigate the problem present in the family, interpret information about the disorder, analyze inheritance patterns and risks of recurrence and review available options with the family. They also provide supportive counseling to families, serve as patient advocates and refer individuals and families to community or state support services.
  • Genetic Testing and Screening (5)

    Genetic Testing and Screening


    Programs that conduct tests of an individual's genetic material (DNA, RNA, chromosomes, proteins, and certain metabolites) to establish whether there are risk factors associated with particular diseases or disabilities, to help identify or exonerate individuals involved in criminal matters based on DNA evidence, or to establish paternity or maternity for legal or immigration purposes. Genetic testing generally involves individuals suspected of criminal activity or being at high risk for a disease or disability whereas genetic screening is conducted with a broader population about which risk factors are unknown.
  • Geriatric Assessment (16)

    Geriatric Assessment


    Programs, generally staffed by an interdisciplinary team comprising a geriatrician, a nurse, a social worker and a pharmacist, that evaluate the functional ability, physical health, cognitive and mental health and socioenvironmental situation of older adults, particular those who are frail or chronically ill, to identify health-related problems, develop plans for treatment and follow-up, coordinate care, determine the need for long-term care, and ensure the optimal use of health care resources. Beneficial outcomes may include greater diagnostic accuracy, improved functional and mental status, reduced mortality, decreased use of nursing facilities and acute care hospitals and increased satisfaction with care.
  • Geriatric Counseling (11)

    Geriatric Counseling


    Programs that provide emotional support, information and guidance in a variety of settings for older adults who are having mental, emotional or social adjustment problems that have arisen as a result of the process of aging. Geriatric counseling services are provided primarily by social services professionals including licensed social workers rather that psychiatrists or other medical personnel.
  • Group Counseling (94)

    Group Counseling


    Programs that offer therapist-facilitated collective treatment sessions in which unrelated groups of individuals, couples or families discuss their attitudes, feelings and problems and, with input from other members of the group, attempt to achieve greater self and interpersonal understanding and adjustment and explore solutions to their problems.
  • Health Care Referrals (20)

    Health Care Referrals


    Programs that link people who are in need of medical care, nursing care, dental care or other types of health care services with qualified practitioners.
  • Health Insurance Information/Counseling (142)

    Health Insurance Information/Counseling


    Programs that offer information and guidance for people who need assistance in selecting appropriate health insurance coverage and which may also answer questions about health insurance benefits and help people complete insurance forms.
  • Health Insurance/Dental Coverage (8)

    Health Insurance/Dental Coverage


    Organizations that issue insurance policies which reimburse policy holders for all or a portion of the cost of hospital, medical or dental care or lost income arising from an illness or injury.
  • Health/Disability Related Counseling (15)

    Health/Disability Related Counseling


    Programs that provide emotional support, information and guidance in a variety of settings for individuals who have a disability; who are concerned about or have any of a variety of illnesses, including those that may ultimately be fatal; or who have experienced the disabling or disfiguring effects of an illness, injury or surgery. The counseling may deal with the realities of having a disability or being ill, coping with their illness/disability, life adjustments required by their situation, and helping them evaluate their alternatives and make personal choices that will maximize their ability to function independently. Included are programs that provide counseling for individuals who have a family history of a particular health condition or disability and need assistance in coping with the emotional problems that are associated with having or being at risk for developing the condition.
  • Hearing Augmentation Aids (5)

    Hearing Augmentation Aids


    Programs that pay for or provide equipment or other products which enhance the residual hearing of people who have hearing impairments or which provide alternative methods of communication for people who have no residual hearing.
  • Hearing Screening (10)

    Hearing Screening


    Programs that offer hearing threshold tests for the purpose of identifying individuals whose ability to perceive sound falls outside the normal range. People who fail the screening test need an in-depth evaluation by an audiologist.
  • HIV Testing (64)

    HIV Testing


    Programs that offer HIV tests which are used to identify individuals who have been infected with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and are at risk for developing AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) or which are used to measure progression of the disease in people known to be infected. The most common HIV screening test is the enzyme immunoassay (EIA) which most frequently uses peripheral blood drawn from the arm or a finger as a sample, but can also be conducted using serum, oral fluids or urine. Repeatedly reactive EIA tests are confirmed using the Western blot or the immunofluorescence assay (IFA). The most common test that is used to measure disease progression is the PCR (polymeraise chain reaction) or viral load test. Many programs that provide HIV testing also provide pre-testing and post-test counseling which includes information about AIDS/HIV, reducing risks for HIV transmission, emotional support to help the individual deal with the testing process and test results, and information about and referral to other AIDS-related services.
  • Home Based Mental Health Services (5)

    Home Based Mental Health Services


    Programs that provide clinical therapeutic services, medication, daily living skills assistance and other mental health services for people who are unable to leave their homes because of the severity of their mental or emotional disturbance or the disabling effects of complicating medical conditions; for families with children experiencing a crisis that is so severe that the child is at imminent risk for hospitalization or placement in a residential treatment facility; or for people for whom home-based services are the most appropriate option.
  • Home Health Care (20)

    Home Health Care


    Programs that make necessary medical services available in the homes of people who are aged, ill or convalescing.
  • Hospice Care (13)

    Hospice Care


    Programs that provide a full range of supportive services for terminally ill individuals who are in the final stages of their illnesses and for their families. Services may include medical care, pain and symptom management, home nurse visitation, case management, emotional and spiritual support, and bereavement services for the patient and members of the family. Hospice care may be provided at home, in a freestanding hospice facility, a hospice unit of a hospital or in long-term care facilities such as nursing homes. In order to qualify for Medicaid or Medicare reimbursement, an individual must have a life threatening illness and must be certified by their physician to have entered the last six months of life.
  • Hospital Based Outpatient Services (23)

    Hospital Based Outpatient Services


    Departments within hospitals or freestanding clinics operated by hospitals or hospital systems that are designed for the diagnosis and treatment of people with health problems who do not currently require a bed or admission for overnight care. Outpatient departments offer a wide range of treatment services, diagnostic tests and minor surgical procedures.
  • Hospitals (24)



    Medical institutions that provide diagnostic and treatment services for people whose illnesses or injuries require that they occupy a bed for at least one night. Hospitals can be distinguished by the level of care they offer (general acute, subacute, extended acute care), the auspices under which they operate which also, in some cases, defines the patients they serve (city/county, state, Veteran's Affairs, military hospitals), and the medical conditions they specialize in treating (specialty hospitals).
  • Hyperbaric Chambers (1)

    Hyperbaric Chambers


    Health care facilities that are equipped with airtight tanks in which individuals who are suffering from decompression illness can be treated. After entry into the chamber, the barometric pressure is increased to the level which relieves the patient's symptoms, and then is very slowly decreased until the pressure in the tank is equal to outside pressure. Hyperbaric chambers are also used to treat gas gangrene, burns, lesions that have failed to heal, radiation-induced tissue damage, air embolism, smoke inhalation, carbon monoxide poisoning and chronic osteomyelitis, a bone infection.
  • Immunizations (125)



    Programs that provide inoculations or other prophylactic measures to prevent susceptible individuals from contracting specific diseases for which means of control have been developed including immunizations recommended specifically for newborns and young children, booster shots to prevent the occurrence of childhood illnesses in adolescence and adulthood, inoculations recommended specifically for pregnant individuals and immunizations against illnesses such as shingles and pneumonia for older adults.
  • Independent Living Skills Instruction (26)

    Independent Living Skills Instruction


    Programs that assist people who have disabilities to learn the basic skills of daily living through individual and group counseling and instruction, experience and practice in coping with real or simulated life situational demands; or through the use of assistive devices, special equipment and specialized assistants. Services include but are not limited to training in the ability to travel about the community alone; to live independently in a private residence; to maintain health through self-care and use of medical services; to live within personal income; to maintain acceptable grooming and appearance; to deal with legal, family or social problems; and to cope with other requirements for successful independent living.
  • Individual Counseling (140)

    Individual Counseling


    Programs that offer personal therapeutic sessions in which the therapist works on a one-to-one basis with clients to help them resolve their mental, emotional or social problems.
  • Inpatient Rehabilitation (4)

    Inpatient Rehabilitation


    Programs that provide intensive rehabilitative services on a 24-hour basis for patients who are severely disabled as a result of injury or disease. Services include a thorough evaluation of the person's abilities and disabilities and the development and implementation of a rehabilitation plan which may incorporate physical, occupational, speech and/or other types of therapies; education about modifications in lifestyle which may be necessary including information about diet, exercise and stress reduction; guidance in using adaptive devices which maximize the person's functional abilities; and counseling for the person and/or significant others to facilitate a positive adjustment to the person's current condition. Inpatient rehabilitation services may be provided by general acute care hospitals or skilled nursing facilities.
  • Internal Medicine (28)

    Internal Medicine


    Programs that are staffed by specialists who provide comprehensive preventive, diagnostic and treatment services for individuals who have diseases or injuries which affect the internal organs and require nonsurgical intervention. General internists provide continuing comprehensive care for common and complex multisystem illnesses in ambulatory care as well as hospital settings. Internists often function as primary care physicians who are the patient's initial point of contact with the health care system and who assume ongoing responsibility for maintaining the health of their patients and for providing treatment in case of illness including consultation with specialists when required.
  • Lead Poisoning Screening (1)

    Lead Poisoning Screening


    Programs that take blood samples from young children to identify individuals who have ingested paint or other materials containing lead and have absorbed an undue amount of the substance. Results may lead to continued surveillance, testing, referrals for medical evaluation, and/or housing inspection to identify lead hazards and prevent further occurrences of lead poisoning. Included are screenings conducted during home visits and clinic-based screening.
  • Marriage Counseling (6)

    Marriage Counseling


    Programs that provide emotional support, problem solving assistance, and guidance for one or both married or cohabiting partners who are having problems with their relationship and need assistance to identify the root of their difficulty and explore alternative resolutions with the objective of enhancing the relationship for both partners. Counseling may be available in a variety of settings and may include individual or group counseling for one or both of the partners, conjoint counseling and encounter-type experiences for groups of couples who are experiencing marital problems and/or who want to enhance their marriages.
  • Medical Equipment/Supplies (14)

    Medical Equipment/Supplies


    Programs that pay for or provide necessary in-home hospital equipment, monitoring devices, respiratory aids, prevention kits and other medical supplies that are required by people who want to prevent the transmission of an infectious disease, are coping with the effects of a chronic health condition or disability or are convalescing following surgery or illness. Included are programs that provide medical equipment on a loan basis as well as those that provide equipment that people can keep.
  • Medical Expense Assistance (26)

    Medical Expense Assistance


    Programs that pay the health care expenses of people who are unable to obtain necessary care without assistance. Medical expense assistance programs may have age, income, disability, need or other eligibility requirements.
  • Medical Marijuana Registration Programs (3)

    Medical Marijuana Registration Programs


    Programs that register people with specified debilitating medical conditions for a program that allows them to alleviate their symptoms through the limited use of marijuana under medical supervision. Patients must have written certification by a physician that they have one of the medical conditions that qualify for the program (generally cachexia or wasting syndrome, cancer, severe chronic pain, epilepsy and other disorders characterized by seizures, glaucoma, HIV or AIDS, multiple sclerosis and other disorders characterized by muscle spasticity, Crohn's disease or nausea) as well as a statement that the benefits of using marijuana for medical purposes outweigh the health risks. In most areas, a medical marijuana card is issued which enables patients to obtain marijuana and other cannabis products for medical use. Some registration programs also provide telephone verification of an individual's patient status if a medical marijuana dispensary, law enforcement officer or other officials have questions. Medical marijuana programs are only available in states whose electorates have passed ballot measures that remove state-level criminal penalties on the use, possession and cultivation of marijuana by patients and/or their registered caregivers. Qualifications for the program and other requirements vary by state.
  • Medicare (24)



    A federally funded health insurance program administered by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for people age 65 and older; for individuals with disabilities younger than age 65 who have received or been determined eligible for Social Security Disability benefits for at least 24 consecutive months; and for insured workers and their dependents who have end stage renal disease and need dialysis or a kidney transplant. As with ESRD, the 24-month waiting period is waived for disability beneficiaries diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS, also called Lou Gehrig's disease). Premiums, deductibles and co-payments or out-of-pocket costs apply to Medicare coverage for most people. Special programs that assist with paying some or all of these costs are available for low income individuals who qualify. Medicare has four parts, but not every Medicare beneficiary has every part. Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance) covers inpatient hospital stays, care in a skilled nursing facility, hospice care and home health care that meets the program eligibility criteria. Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance) covers services from doctors and other health care providers, outpatient care, home health care, durable medical equipment, preventive services and more. Together, Medicare Part A and Part B are called Original Medicare. Medicare Part C enables private insurance companies to offer Medicare Advantage (MA) Plans under contract with CMS that provide all Part A and Part B benefits to plan enrollees. Medicare Advantage Plans include Health Maintenance Organizations, Preferred Provider Organizations, Private Fee-for-Service Plans, Special Needs Plans and Medicare Medical Savings Account Plans. Some plans offer extra benefits and services that aren't covered by Original Medicare, sometimes for an extra cost; and most (but not all) include Medicare prescription drug coverage. Medicare Part D (Medicare prescription drug coverage) is an optional benefit that helps beneficiaries cover the cost of prescription drugs. The plans are offered by insurance companies and other private companies approved by Medicare and add prescription drug coverage to Original Medicare, some Medicare Private-Fee-for-Service Plans and Medicare Medical Savings Account Plans.
  • Medication Information/Management (68)

    Medication Information/Management


    Programs that conduct a review of the prescription and over-the-counter medication and other substances (e.g., herbal remedies, vitamins and other supplements, illegal drugs) that people are taking, and answer any questions they may have about their medications or their medication regimen. The reviews address a number of issues including appropriate therapeutic uses of particular substances; adverse side effects; interaction/reaction with foods and other drugs; product identification and availability or equivalency; safety when used by children, pregnant or breastfeeding individuals or older adults, many of whom may have multiple prescriptions; and outcomes. The objectives of the program are to support the individual's ability to self-administer medications as prescribed and to ensure their safety and well being, particularly in circumstances where their medication regimen is complex.
  • Mental Health Drop In Centers (2)

    Mental Health Drop In Centers


    Programs that provide an alternative, nonresidential environment for people who have mental, emotional or social problems and which may offer recreational activities, socialization, individual or group counseling, mutual support group meetings, information and referral or other similar services. Included are centers that are staffed by consumers of psychiatric services as well as centers that are managed by professional staff.
  • Mobile Health Care (8)

    Mobile Health Care


    Programs that use specially equipped mobile vehicles to deliver basic health care services to vulnerable and/or remote populations that are unable to access a community health care facility. The mobile clinics make scheduled stops in different neighborhoods and offer a wide variety of services which may include general physical examinations, pediatric services, health screening, vision screening, flu shots, childhood immunizations, laboratory services, WIC certification, STI screening and treatment, family planning services, pregnancy testing and treatment for minor illnesses. Included are street medicine programs that use outreach workers to seek out and provide primary health care services for unsheltered homeless people living on the streets, under bridges, in abandoned buildings or wherever else they stay.
  • Mother and Infant Care (354)

    Mother and Infant Care


    Programs that prepare expectant mothers for childbirth and provide health care services for mothers and infants during pregnancy and following birth.
  • Neurology (1)



    Programs that are staffed by specialists who provide comprehensive medical management including preventive, diagnostic and treatment services for individuals who have diseases or injuries that affect the central, peripheral or autonomic nervous systems including the brain, cranial nerves, spinal cord, spinal nerves and other related structures.
  • Nuclear Medicine (2)

    Nuclear Medicine


    Programs that are staffed by specialists who have expertise in the diagnostic and therapeutic utilization of the nuclear properties of radioactive and stable nuclides including radioimmunoassay; therapy with radioisotopically labeled antibodies; positron emission tomography (PET); and single-proton emission computerized tomography (SPECT). Additionally, the nuclear medicine physician has special knowledge in the biological effects of radiation exposure; the principles of radiation safety and protection; the management of patients who have been exposed to ionizing radiation; and special knowledge in the physical sciences encompassing the fundamentals of nuclear physics and nuclear magnetic resonance and the principles and operation of radiation detection and nuclear imaging instrumentation systems.
  • Nurse Practitioner Clinics (4)

    Nurse Practitioner Clinics


    Programs staffed by nurse practitioners that provide walk-in preventive health services and treatment for people who have minor ailments such as ear and eye infections, strep throat, allergies, bladder infections or flu. They also administer vaccines and perform routine screenings. The nurse practitioners staffing these clinics have a four-year bachelor's degree in nursing as well as a two-year master's degree. A nurse practitioner is allowed by most states to prescribe medication and perform basic health care functions without direct supervision by a doctor. The clinics offer a low-cost alternative to doctor’s offices and other primary care options, and are often located in busy retail stores and shopping centers. Appointments are not required.
  • Nutrition Assessment Services (11)

    Nutrition Assessment Services


    Programs that evaluate an individual's nutritional history and dietary intake and develop a plan which ensures that the person's nutritional needs are met. The evaluation includes a review of the individual's food habits and preferences, an assessment of his or her feeding skills and eating problems and an analysis of biochemical and anthropometric variables including the person's height and weight and the fat content of his or her body.
  • Nutrition Education (79)

    Nutrition Education


    Programs that provide information concerning the basic principles of healthful eating, food handling, food preparation and shopping skills. Included is information about the basic food groups, vitamin and mineral requirements, the relationship of nutrition to the preservation of good health and the prevention of illness, and dietary choices such as vegetarianism.
  • Obstetrics/Gynecology (74)



    Programs that are staffed by specialists who provide comprehensive preventive, diagnostic and treatment services that focus on women's reproductive health and care for women during pregnancy, childbirth and the period immediately following childbirth as well as the health of the fetus.
  • Oral Health Education/Information (43)

    Oral Health Education/Information


    Programs that provide information about dental health and hygiene (including the importance of brushing and flossing, using dental sealants, the benefits of fluoridation, avoiding sugary foods and getting regular checkups) which encourages the public to make choices that help them avoid cavities, gum disease or other oral health problems and improve their overall well being. These programs may also provide general information about oral health problems (such as oral cancer, teeth grinding, periodontal disease and bad breath) and associated treatment options; education and outreach regarding the importance of oral health care for individuals who are pregnant including information about the relationship between gum disease and preterm and low birth weight babies; and fact sheets or other materials which address oral health issues such as community water fluoridation as a preventive measure, use of bottled water, oral health nutrition, cosmetic dentistry/tooth whitening, oral piercing, dental anesthesia, dental benefits/insurance, choosing a dentist, and oral health for specific populations (such as children, adolescents, pregnant individuals, older adults or people with diabetes).
  • Osteoporosis Detection (1)

    Osteoporosis Detection


    Programs that administer tests which determine whether an individual has or is in the process of developing osteoporosis, a condition involving the loss of bone mass which puts the individual at risk of bone fractures, particularly vertebral and hip fractures.
  • Otolaryngology (23)



    Programs that are staffed by specialists who provide comprehensive preventive, diagnostic and treatment services including surgery for individuals who have diseases or injuries that affect the head and neck including the ears, the respiratory and upper alimentary systems, the face, the jaws and related structures.
  • Outpatient Surgery (1)

    Outpatient Surgery


    Programs that offer minor, non-life-threatening operations either in the office of the physician or in a hospital on a basis that permits the patient to come into the hospital in the morning, have the surgery and return home the same day.
  • Palliative Care (13)

    Palliative Care


    Programs that provide for the comprehensive management of the physical, psychological, social, spiritual and existential needs of patients with the objective of helping them achieve the best possible quality of life through relief of suffering, control of symptoms and restoration of functional capacity while remaining sensitive to personal, cultural and religious values, beliefs and practices. The focus of palliative care is on people with incurable, progressive illnesses who are in the early stages of their illness. Palliative care may be provided in a wide variety of health care settings including hospitals, nursing facilities, hospice facilities and the person's own home; and may be coordinated with other services including curative therapies.
  • Parent Counseling (5)

    Parent Counseling


    Programs that provide a wide variety of therapeutic interventions for parents who are experiencing emotional difficulties or conflicts concerning their role as parents. Included are individual or group counseling for one or both parents or conjoint parent counseling which focuses on and explores the mental, emotional or social problems of the individual(s) which contribute to their parenting problems.
  • Pathology and Laboratory Medicine (1)

    Pathology and Laboratory Medicine


    Programs that are staffed by specialists who have expertise in diagnosing abnormal changes in tissue removed during surgery and postmortem examinations. they analyze case histories, prepare tissues for microscopic examination, and diagnose the nature and source of pathological conditions causing illness or death.
  • Pediatric Developmental Assessment (34)

    Pediatric Developmental Assessment


    Programs that provide a comprehensive, structured evaluation of a child's cognitive/intellectual functioning, language and communication skills, independent living skills, social and emotional development and perceptual/motor functioning in order to identify individuals who show developmental delays, determine the nature and extent of the problem and recommend a course of treatment and care. Developmental assessments are generally offered by a developmental assessment specialist, or a team of professionals that can include a pediatrician, language specialist, audiologist, occupational therapist, child psychologist and child psychiatrist, among others. They involve age-adjusted questions regarding a child's growth, physical movements, behavior, play, and interactions with family members and the rest of the world as well as a series of tests that may include a physical exam, hearing and eye screenings, play observation, and standardized tests that present the child with specific tasks to determine areas of strength and weakness. They can also be used to identify individuals who have developmental disabilities such as intellectual disabilities, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, autism and neurological impairments, in order to establish eligibility for state and federally funded programs.
  • Pediatrics (59)



    Programs that are staffed by specialists who are concerned with the physical, emotional and social health of infants, children and adolescents from birth to young adulthood. Pediatricians have advanced training in the biological, social and environmental factors that have an influence on a developing child and have expertise in diagnosing and treating the acute and chronic diseases that are common to individuals in this age range.
  • Peer Counseling (11)

    Peer Counseling


    Programs that offer individual therapeutic sessions which are facilitated or guided by an individual who is the same age as the client (an age-peer) or who has experienced and resolved the same type of problem as the client.
  • Pharmacies (8)



    Organizations that are involved in the business of preparing, storing, compounding and dispensing drugs in accordance with prescriptions prepared by licensed physicians. Pharmacies also counsel patients on proper use of their medication and verify that new treatments are compatible with other medicines they may be taking.
  • Physical Examinations (121)

    Physical Examinations


    An evaluation of the body and its functions using inspection, palpation (feeling with the hands), percussion (tapping with the fingers), and auscultation (listening). A complete health assessment also involves gathering information about a person's medical history and lifestyle, doing laboratory tests and screening for disease. Included are general physical examinations which occur annually and physicals that are conducted for a specific purpose, e.g., employment, sports participation.
  • Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (4)

    Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation


    Programs that are staffed by specialists who provide comprehensive diagnostic, treatment and management services for people who have a physical disability, either individually or as the leader of an interdisciplinary team. Physical medicine and rehabilitation specialists (also known as physiatrists) focus on restoring function using physical means rather than surgery. They prescribe medication, order assistive devices such as a brace or an artificial limb, recommend therapy (e.g., heat and cold, electrotherapies, trigger point injections, massage, biofeedback and traction) and set up exercise programs. Problems most commonly treated by physiatrists include acute and chronic pain, sports injuries (joint injuries, sprains and strains), injuries to the spine or spinal cord, neck injuries, tendonitis, pinched nerves, peripheral nerve injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome, traumatic brain injury, paraplegia, quadriplegia, arthritis and neurological disorders such as multiple sclerosis, polio and ALS. Physiatrists practice in rehabilitation centers, hospitals and private offices; and may have a broad practice or specialize in a particular area such as pediatrics, sports medicine, geriatric medicine or brain injury.
  • Physical Therapy (14)

    Physical Therapy


    Programs that evaluate joint motion, muscle strength and endurance, heart and lung function and the ability of people to perform activities of daily living; and utilize the therapeutic properties of exercise, heat, cold, electricity, ultraviolet, water, manipulation and massage to improve circulation, strengthen muscles, reduce pain and restore mobility to people who have been disabled by a stroke, arthritis, back or spinal cord injuries or other debilitating conditions. Physical therapists practice in a variety of settings including hospitals, private offices, outpatient clinics, rehabilitation centers, developmental centers, home health agencies, schools and pediatric centers.
  • Podiatry/Foot Care (33)

    Podiatry/Foot Care


    Programs that are staffed by specialists who provide comprehensive preventive, diagnostic, and treatment services for individuals who have diseases of or injuries to the feet. Conditions treated may include bacterial and fungal infections, skin and nail disorders, benign and cancerous tumors, congenital and acquired foot deformities and foot problems caused by illnesses such as diabetes, arthritis and cardiovascular diseases. Treatment includes use of surgical procedures, casting or other forms of immobilization and the prescription of corrective devices, oral and locally injected medication and physical therapy. Included are services provided by podiatrists, chiropodists and other foot care specialists. Foot care may also be provided by nurses. Podiatrists are health professional specialists with a Doctor of Podiatric Medicine degree.
  • Poison Control (1)

    Poison Control


    Programs that provide emergency information, usually on a 24-hour basis, for medical personnel or others who may need to take immediate corrective action to treat an individual who has been poisoned or to prevent such an occurrence.
  • Pre-Abortion Counseling (1)

    Pre-Abortion Counseling


    Programs that provide counseling, mandated in some states in conjunction with a 24-hour waiting period, for individuals who have made a decision to terminate their pregnancy. The counseling provides information about fetal development, pregnancy prevention, the abortion procedure the patient will undergo, the risks and alternatives to the procedure, the risks of continuing the pregnancy and, when medically accurate, possible complications and longer term health risks such as steThe program may provide written information to review and may request a signature on an informed consent form.
  • Pregnancy Counseling (22)

    Pregnancy Counseling


    Programs that help people who are experiencing a crisis pregnancy resolve any social or personal problems that have arisen as a result of their pregnancy or the prospect of parenthood, and help them understand their conflicting emotions, put their feelings in perspective, evaluate their options and make a decision that right is for them.
  • Pregnancy Testing (115)

    Pregnancy Testing


    Programs that utilize laboratory procedures to determine whether an individual is pregnant or which provide access to devices for establishing pregnancy that people can use at home.
  • Prenatal Evaluation (18)

    Prenatal Evaluation


    Programs that utilize any of a variety of techniques to detect fetal abnormalities prior to the birth of the child. Results of the tests can be used to manage the remaining weeks of pregnancy, plan for possible complications in the birth process, plan for care of the newborn infant, decide whether to continue the pregnancy and/or determine whether fetal treatment is required.
  • Prescription Medication Services (71)

    Prescription Medication Services


    Programs that provide access to low-cost or difficult to obtain prescription drugs or supportive services that help patients take their medication as prescribed by their physician.
  • Psychiatric Case Management (47)

    Psychiatric Case Management


    Programs that develop case plans for the evaluation, treatment and/or care of individuals who have mental, emotional or social problems and need assistance in arranging for services; which assess the individual's needs; coordinate the delivery of needed services; ensure that services are obtained in accordance with the case plan; and follow up and monitor progress to ensure that services are having a beneficial impact on the problem.
  • Psychiatric Disorder Counseling (8)

    Psychiatric Disorder Counseling


    Programs that specialize in the treatment of individuals who have identified mental or emotional disorders with the objective of helping them to eliminate or reduce the severity of their symptoms, to mediate disturbed patterns of behavior, to promote positive personality growth and development and to maximize the individual's ability to function as independently as possible. Treatment may utilize therapeutic techniques derived from one or more theoretical counseling approaches.
  • Psychiatric Medication Services (36)

    Psychiatric Medication Services


    Programs that prescribe antidepressants, antianxiety drugs, antimaniacs, sedatives and antipsychotic/neuroleptic medications to control symptoms such as delusions, extreme agitation, panic attacks, manic or depressive episodes, hallucinations or paranoia that are associated with specific forms of mental illness. Services may include a psychiatric evaluation to determine the need for medication; prescription of an appropriate drug; and periodic follow-up to monitor the effectiveness of the medication in modifying the individual's behavior, ensure that undesirable side effects are minimized and verify that medication is, in fact, being taken as prescribed.
  • Psychological Testing (13)

    Psychological Testing


    Programs that provide a variety of standardized tests including personality inventories, aptitude tests, intelligence tests, attitude tests, projective measures and affective tests to evaluate the psychosocial functioning of people who may be experiencing mental, emotional or social difficulties. Psychological testing is often a part of a broader psychological assessment, and may be used in differential diagnosis to substantiate that a particular diagnosis is correct.
  • Psychosocial Evaluation (20)

    Psychosocial Evaluation


    Programs that assess the emotional and social functioning of an individual or group including a family in the context of all of the factors that combine to affect that functioning and lend meaning to its interpretation, for the purpose of identifying problem areas and developing a plan that will support identified strengths and resolve or minimize identified difficulties. The process may include an evaluation of communication and coping skills on a personal and interpersonal basis; the impact of the environment on functioning; and the deficits in knowledge, support, skills and ability which must be considered to understand current functioning and to develop a treatment program that addresses the person or group in context. This process may be utilized with people who are experiencing minor or time-limited situational problems and as a component of a comprehensive evaluation of someone whose difficulties are severe and/or chronic.
  • Psychotherapy/Psychoanalysis (1)



    Programs that specialize in providing therapeutic interventions that are based on the theory developed by Freud that the roots of human behavior lie in unconscious motivation and conflict. It takes as its point of departure the concept of the libido (sexual energy), and suggests that the individual's overall development and ability to adjust to life's problems depend on how sexual energy develops in the child, whether it is normal or repressed and distorted into unhealthy channels. Psychoanalysis as a therapy attempts to overcome repressions, often by exploring their origins in childhood in order to release energy for healthy, normal living. Psychoanalysts accomplish this largely by means of free association, dream analysis and working through transference issues over time to overcome resistance and get at the sources of the unconscious impulses. Psychoanalytic psychotherapists accomplish the same objective through utilization of more directive interpretation and a face-to-face therapeutic setting, and focus on the relationship of present behavior to childhood patterns rather than utilize free association.
  • Public Clinics (19)

    Public Clinics


    County or city-operated outpatient health care facilities that provide a broad range of diagnostic and treatment services including primary adult and pediatric care, prenatal care, dental care and specialty medicine as well as laboratory and radiological services and allied support services like nutrition and health education. Some public clinics may also offer public health services such as immunizations and communicable disease screening and treatment. Services are available on an ability-to-pay basis and target low-income and indigent residents of the community.
  • Radiology (4)



    Programs that are staffed by specialists who have expertise in the therapeutic utilization of radiant energy and its modifiers in the study and management of disease. Radiologists principally read x-rays but may also be certified to utilize some nuclear technology which involves the analysis and imaging of radionuclides and radiolabeled substances in vitro and in vivo for diagnosis and the administration of radionuclides and radiolabeled substances for the treatment of disease, especially malignant tumors.
  • Recovery Homes/Halfway Houses (6)

    Recovery Homes/Halfway Houses


    Community-based, peer-group-oriented, residential facilities that provide food, shelter and recovery services in a supportive, non-drinking, drug-free environment for people who have completed a hospital or residential substance use disorder rehabilitation program and need continued support in a residential setting to sustain their recovery. Services may include case management, relapse prevention counseling, 12-step meetings, educational and vocational planning, recreational activities and assistance in obtaining health, social, vocational and other services available in the community. Residents are expected to abide by house rules which vary from facility to facility. The objective is to help people who are recovering from an alcohol and/or other drug use disorder bridge the gap between intensive treatment and independent sober living.
  • Runaway/Homeless Youth Counseling (1)

    Runaway/Homeless Youth Counseling


    Programs that provide emotional support, information and guidance for children and adolescents who have run away from home and for the entire family, if appropriate, with the objective of identifying and resolving the problems that prompted the youth to leave home and/or assisting the youth to formulate and implement a workable plan for his or her immediate future.
  • Self Help Instruction (1)

    Self Help Instruction


    Programs that teach children and/or adults with developmental or other disabilities fundamental self-care skills including bowel and bladder control, the use of utensils and drinking cups for eating and drinking, personal hygiene and dressing skills.
  • Sex Offender Counseling (1)

    Sex Offender Counseling


    Programs that provide voluntary or court-ordered individual or group counseling for people who have committed or are at risk of committing sexual offenses which may include rape or other sexual assault, nonfamilial child sexual assault, indecent exposure, or voyeurism, with the objective of eliminating violent and/or abusive behavior.
  • Sexual Assault Counseling (12)

    Sexual Assault Counseling


    Programs that provide crisis, short-term and/or ongoing counseling for people who are coping with the emotional trauma of being forced to engage in sexual intercourse or other sexual acts without their consent. Included are military sexual trauma (MST) counseling programs offered by facilities operated by the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs, which address the needs of veterans who have been traumatized by having experienced assault or repeated threatening sexual harassment which occurred while serving on active duty in the military. Counseling and support may be offered in a variety of settings and may include individual, conjoint, family and group therapy sessions for the survivor and/or significant others.
  • Sexual Orientation Counseling (2)

    Sexual Orientation Counseling


    Programs that provide emotional support, information and guidance for people who want to explore their sexual orientation in order to enable them to identify and feel comfortable with their orientation. Counseling and support may be offered in a variety of settings which may include individual and group counseling sessions and, if appropriate, conjoint and family counseling sessions with significant others.
  • Sexuality/Reproductive Health Education (25)

    Sexuality/Reproductive Health Education


    Programs that provide information about the physiological and emotional aspects of human sexuality including anatomy and physiology, puberty, pregnancy, birth control, sexually transmitted infections and the subsequent risk of infertility, menopause and the attitudes, feelings and behaviors that are related to sexuality for people of all ages.
  • Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening (143)

    Sexually Transmitted Infection Screening


    Programs that identify individuals who have contracted gonorrhea, syphilis, genital herpes or other infections that are spread by sexual contact and diagnose their conditions. The procedure includes visual examinations, blood tests and analyses of discharge or samples taken from lesions.
  • Sign Language Instruction (2)

    Sign Language Instruction


    Programs that provide instruction in visual/manual communication systems that use hand shapes, facial expressions, and other body movements as alternatives to oral and written communication, particularly within the deaf community. Included are programs that teach preverbal infants and toddlers to use sign language as a way of communicating their needs.
  • Skilled Nursing Facilities (5)

    Skilled Nursing Facilities


    Health care facilities or distinct parts of hospitals that provide intensive nursing services as well as supportive services for people who require continuous inpatient care but who are not in an acute phase of an illness.
  • Sober Living Homes (9)

    Sober Living Homes


    Alcohol and other drug-free residences (which may be single family dwellings, duplexes, multiplex apartment buildings or communal residential facilities) for people who are recovering from an alcohol and/or other drug use disorder and need a sober environment in order to sustain an abstinent lifestyle. Residents are free to organize and participate in support group meetings or any other activity that helps them maintain sobriety, but neither the homes nor the residents provide treatment, recovery, detoxification services or other supportive services; and supervision of individual recovery is not provided. Because they provide no services, sober living homes do not require a license but are generally subject to landlord/tenant laws.
  • Specialized Pediatric Evaluation (1)

    Specialized Pediatric Evaluation


    Programs that conduct pediatric evaluations which are intended to confirm the presence in a child of a particular disease or condition.
  • Specialized Telecommunications Equipment (2)

    Specialized Telecommunications Equipment


    Programs that pay for or provide access to TTY equipment (also known as text telephones, TDDs and telecommunication devices for the deaf), or other specialized telecommunications devices such as voice carry-over telephones, amplified telephones, telebraillers, voice-activated telephones, captioned telephone, sip-n-puff telephones or large visual displays for use at home or in the office by people who are deaf or hearing impaired, have speech disabilities or physical limitations, or need to communicate with a person with a hearing impairment or speech disability. Included are programs that pay for or loan such equipment to people with disabilities or organizations serving them, or which operate sites where such equipment is available for use by the public.
  • Speech and Language Evaluations (8)

    Speech and Language Evaluations


    Programs that establish the nature and extent of an individual's language and/or speech deficits in order to devise an appropriate treatment plan.
  • State/Local Health Insurance Programs (9)

    State/Local Health Insurance Programs


    Programs that provide health insurance for people who do not qualify for Medicaid, do not have access to insurance provided by an employer or cannot afford privately purchased health insurance. Services covered by these programs vary by state but generally include hospitalization, physician services, emergency room visits, family planning, immunizations, laboratory and x-ray services, outpatient surgery, chiropractic care, prescriptions, eye exams, eye glasses and dental care. Other services may include alcohol and drug treatment, mental health services, medical and equipment and supplies and rehabilitative therapy. Eligibility requirements also vary. Included are state and/or local government health insurance programs which may be administered by the state or at the local level, and public/private partnerships between state and/or local government entities and health insurance companies or other private organizations. Health care is generally provided through participating managed care plans in the area.
  • Substance Use Disorder Education/Prevention (37)

    Substance Use Disorder Education/Prevention


    Programs that provide information about substance use disorders (including the substances most commonly used and their effects, the diagnostic criteria for substance use disorders, screening and diagnostic procedures and methods of treatment) and/or which offer any of a variety of services that focus on substance use prevention for people of all ages who are at risk. Included may be printed materials or videos that address the subject; psycho-educational and skill building activities; structured groups which focus on family dynamics, problem-solving, self-esteem and similar issues; and presentations in schools and agencies and to family groups regarding the dangers of alcohol and drug use and smoking, the signs of substance use disorders, the legal consequences of illegal substance use and how to get help.
  • Suicide Prevention Hotlines (6)

    Suicide Prevention Hotlines


    Programs that provide immediate assistance for individuals who are having suicidal feelings with the objective of helping them explore alternatives to self-harm or self-destruction. Included are local, accredited hotlines, countywide and statewide programs, programs offered by local nonprofit organizations and via 988, the three digit dialing code designated by the Federal Communications Commission to replace or supplement the existing toll free number for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, a network of more than 200 local crisis centers. Suicide prevention workers establish and maintain contact with the individual while identifying and clarifying the focal problem, evaluate the suicidal potential, assess the individual's strengths and resources, and mobilize available resources including paramedic or police intervention and emergency psychiatric care as needed. These programs can also help individuals who are worried about the potentially suicidal behavior of another with the objective of helping them identify warning signs and provide options for seeking further help. Hotline staff are generally available via telephone, email, chat and/or text.
  • Surgery (3)



    Programs that are staffed by specialists who diagnose conditions which require a surgical intervention and provide preoperative, operative and postoperative care for surgical patients.
  • Talklines/Warmlines (6)



    Programs that offer a telephone service that enables people who are troubled to talk confidentially about their personal problems with an empathetic listener. These programs are often staffed by volunteers who can offer referrals for ongoing treatment, if needed.
  • Teen Family Planning Programs (20)

    Teen Family Planning Programs


    Programs that offer family planning services including pregnancy counseling, birth control and pregnancy testing which are especially designed to meet the needs and concerns of teenage individuals who are pregnant or are concerned about becoming pregnant or impregnating.
  • Telemedicine (25)



    Programs that allow health care professionals to evaluate, diagnose and treat patients in remote locations using telecommunications technology. Telemedicine permits two-way, real time interactive communication between the patient, and the physician or other practitioners at a distant site. Some programs may also incorporate other forms of communication including transfer of medical information such as CT scans, MRIs, ultrasound studies, radiographic images and pathology images to medical personnel at another site for review and analysis. The technology is also being used in other related areas of practice (e.g., mental health, substance use disorders, gambling) as well as for teaching and remote caregiving purposes.
  • Therapy Referrals (4)

    Therapy Referrals


    Programs that link people who are in need of counseling services with private therapists who are qualified in the desired area of specialization.
  • Transgender Hormone Therapy (2)

    Transgender Hormone Therapy


    Programs that offer hormone replacement therapy for transgender individuals who are beginning the anatomical and psychological transition to another sex and gender. The therapy involves taking estrogen (for male-to-female transition) or testosterone (for female-to-male transition) before, during, and after the surgical transition. The purpose of hormone therapy is to change the physical appearance of the individual to look like the other sex and to feel comfortable. The feminizing effects of estrogen and the masculinizing effects of testosterone may appear after the first couple of doses, though it may be several years before a person is satisfactorily transitioned.
  • Transitional Mental Health Services (3)

    Transitional Mental Health Services


    Programs that provide services that facilitate the return to the community of people who have been hospitalized for treatment of acute or chronic mental or emotional disturbances.
  • Tuberculosis Screening (40)

    Tuberculosis Screening


    Programs that identify individuals who have contracted tuberculosis by administering chest x-rays; the Mantoux test, the von Pirquet test or the Vollmer patch test, all of which determine the presence of a tuberculosis infection based on a local inflammatory reaction to a sample of the bacillus which has been injected or rubbed into the skin; or other screening tools.
  • Urgent Care Centers (23)

    Urgent Care Centers


    Programs, which may be available on a 24-hour basis, that provide walk-in treatment services for people who have minor illnesses or injuries. Urgent care centers serve as an alternative to hospital emergency departments for episodic care that can not be delayed until an appointment at a physician's office is available; and are often equipped to provide services not generally available in primary care physician offices, e.g., have x-ray facilities that allow for treatment of minor fractures and foreign bodies such as nail gun injuries and/or minor care trauma rooms that facilitate the repair of minor and moderate to severe lacerations that can be treated in an urgent care center.
  • Veteran Outpatient Clinics (7)

    Veteran Outpatient Clinics


    Outpatient medical facilities operated by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs that provide routine primary medical care for eligible veterans. Services generally include x-rays, general health check ups, blood pressure checks, treatment for basic illnesses and laboratory tests.
  • Veteran/Military Health Insurance (1)

    Veteran/Military Health Insurance


    Programs administered by the Department of Defense (DoD) Health Affairs Office or the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs that provide health benefits coverage for eligible military personnel, eligible veterans and eligible dependents.
  • Visual/Reading Aids (10)

    Visual/Reading Aids


    Programs that pay for or provide equipment or other products which enhance the ability of people who have visual impairments or other disabilities to see and/or read; or which make television programs, feature films, home videos and other visual media accessible by providing a descriptive narration of key visual elements in these programs.
  • Weight Management (11)

    Weight Management


    Programs that utilize one or a variety of techniques including nutrition education, exercise, special diets, protein sparing fasting, behavior modification, hypnosis, medication or surgery to help individuals who have a weight control problem gain or lose weight to achieve a more healthful body weight and develop a lifestyle that allows them to maintain that weight.
  • Well Baby Care (78)

    Well Baby Care


    Programs that provide health screening and immunization services for infants and toddlers to ensure their physical well-being and healthy development. Preschool aged children are also eligible in some areas.
  • Wellness Programs (32)

    Wellness Programs


    Programs that offer individual and/or group sessions which assist participants to understand how their lifestyle impacts their physical and mental health and to develop personal practices that enhance their total well-being. Wellness programs are holistic and combine a variety of components which may include a general physical examination that is tailored to the individual's needs; an evaluation of the person's pattern of exercise, eating habits, sources of stress and other lifestyle elements that are potential risk factors; and the development and implementation of an individualized plan for prevention management and early intervention to optimize health and performance which may include physical fitness sessions, nutrition counseling, stress reduction techniques, biofeedback, practice in assuming responsibility for one's choices, and other specific measures for avoiding physical and mental health problems.
  • Women's Health Centers (10)

    Women's Health Centers


    Programs that provide comprehensive diagnostic and treatment services which focus on conditions that are typically seen in women. Women's health centers provide services in an emotionally supportive and safe environment, and place emphasis on educational programs that encourage women to take personal responsibility for their own health and wellness.